heaven sends and heaven takes

looooooong post, sorry about this >.>

The minute Xeris consented to not saying a word about what Ty was about to say, he let out a breath of relief. "Alight...then I'll tell you." He stopped momentarily, taking deep breaths before he began, "When I arrived in Mexico, I took a few wrong turns at the start, and I ran into some rather threatening coyotes in the desert. Now these weren't reasonable coyotes, they saw me as intruding on their territory and they attacked me on sight." He gestured to a scratch on his chest and a claw mark on his shoulder. "I killed quite a few coyotes that day, but they eventually got the better of me."

He paused for a second, his eyes glazing over as he remembered that moment. "However, just before they tore my throat out, I was saved by the most unlikely person...an old pack mate of mine from Europe named Hoyt." His gave a small smile as he mentioned Hoyt, but his expression turned stoic as he continued. "Hoyt and his new pack nursed me back to health, almost better than before." He began to pace, his half-tail swaying in the breeze. "When I finally came too, Hoyt explained why he was in Mexico. He told me he had followed my initiative and went exploring in the states, and eventually had created a pack in Mexico, hence the males he had with him." He stopped pacing and sat down. "However, then came his dilemma, apparently his pack had been invaded by marauders, who had attacked the human ghost town his pack had settled in, attempting to steal the resources they had there." Ty pointed to himself with his next sentence. "He asked me for his help, the marauding pack had driven Hoyt's pack out of the town, and had killed a good portion of his pack as well. And for old times sake, I agreed to help him."

Again, Ty had to pause, taking a deep breath as he continued. "Hoyt's pack and I planned an assault on the town, his pack knew how to make a human weapon called 'molotov cocktails' a bottle that when thrown would send fire everywhere. Using this tool, we intended to smoke the marauder wolves out with the cocktails and kill enough of them as they scattered to make sure they wouldn't come back. Simple plan, we had done it once in Europe to stop a barbarian pack from slaughtering one of our allies."

Ty once more stopped, this time his breathing was shaky, wavering in it's stoic tone as he came to his dreaded moment. "Once the mission was set, and the molotov's were ready, we set out to drive them away..." He said, his half-tail drooping as he spoke. "Hoyt led one team and I spearheaded another one, in a sort of pincer motion to push the wolves out in one direction." His eyes then drifted to the sky. "I remember the fire raining from the sky as we threw those molotovs onto the roofs of the houses, I remember the marauding pack darting out to defend their new home, they didn't stand a chance. We took them by surprise, wiped out their initial defenses, I can still taste the blood that day." His eyes suddenly locked onto Xeris as he took a more somber tone. "But right after we killed the initial wolves, I could tell something was wrong. There were women, young wolves suddenly coming out of the houses to defend whatever was in there, we still killed them all the same, but something suddenly didn't feel right."

That's when Ty broke down, he wasn't able to keep it together anymore and dropped to a sitting position, tears welled up in his eyes as he began to weep. "It was when I saw a small burning body drag itself out of a house that I realized my mistake. It was a pup, no older than a few months, it's hair was burning, those yelps and shrieks I can still remember as it dragged itself along the ground for a few feet until it's body came to a morbid stop. That's when I realized what this really was." He let out a soft sob again as he continued. "It all clicked, there were no females or children in Hoyt's pack because his pack was the marauders, and he manipulated me to help him in slaughtering the pack that had resided there, had children there, probably lived there for years, and I helped to massacre the entire pack."

Ty wiped the tears from his eyes, trying to regain his composure. "After the massacre, I immediately confronted Hoyt about it. I screamed at him as much as I could, until my throat went sore, I asked why, why did he become such a murdering bastard," His sniffled a little. "And he explained that our old pack hadn't let him go, they threw him out for being unnecessarily ruthless and violent, and he had come to the states to make his own pack, where he could do whatever he wanted." He shook his head, finally getting the tears out. "He then decided I had prolonged my use to him, now that I knew what kind of wolf he had become. He sicced his pack on me, and they pushed me off a nearby canyon into a ravine...where I lost part of my tail in the fall."

His tone then turned menacing, he began to circle Xeris with a growl deep in his throat. "But I didn't die, I survived, nursed myself back to health and kept myself in the dark for a few weeks, and that's when I planned my revenge." His lip curled up in a snarl as he remembered his actions. "I became a terror of Hoyt's pack, I burned many of their supplies, and I picked off Hoyt's pack one by one in the coming weeks whenever they went out for more food or water." He suddenly let out a dirty smile as he continued his talk. "I sent every one of those bastards to hell until only Hoyt and his most loyal members were left, and I caught them in the courthouse. He gave a dark laugh. "I killed them all when Hoyt called them for an emergency meeting by burning the courthouse down."

A mixture of primal growling and snarling between every words changed Ty's persona drastically. "Except for Hoyt that is...Hoyt miraculously escaped that trap, and he tracked me down, attempting to kill me for what I had done...we fought for what seemed like hours." His scars began to act up as he talked, he even held one with the memory of Hoyt burned into his mind. "But before I took that bastard's life, the life of my former friend and pack mate...Hoyt had one last dirty trick." His anger suddenly returned to sadness, tears welling up in his eyes once more. "He congratulated me on killing yet another pack, and that I was worse than he ever was, because my violent actions had killed a pack for no other purpose other than revenge...and I knew he was right."

Ty suddenly flew into a rage after he finished his story, his claws came out and he leaped past Xeris at a tree, scratching and clawing at it with a fury he rarely showed. But his snarling came to silence as he slumped his body against the tree, panting heavily as the tension filled the air. "I'm a monster Xeris." He admitted. "I haven't just killed wolves who deserved it, I murdered women, children, innocent people" His eyes fixed on the ground. "For the rest of my life I'm going to remember that burning pup, those bodies littering the streets of that ghost town in mexico...""I'm sorry I pushed that all on you Xeris...but you wanted to know...now you do."

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