What ever it takes
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i can't escape the twisted way you think of me

sswm: 414

i feel you in my dreams and i don't sleep

The things that Pontiac mentioned were the same things that Fiachra herself was aware of. She knew where the dens were, as that was where she lived, down in the caves, and she knew very well where the borders were, as she'd been standing at them only a few days ago. She smiled a little as she replied, "If there's more, I've yet to find it." Except for Naniko... 'Oh, for fuck's sake, quit thinking about her!' screeched her head. Fiachra pulled her hands out of her pockets and dipped one into her jacket pocket, pulling out a flask and opening it quickly. If the Fairy was the only way to erase the woman from her mind today, she would have a sip. She lifted the flask to her lips, inhaled deeply, and took a swig. Down it went, burning a trail of fire and memory through her body. The last time she'd drank, she'd been... with Naniko. 'Well, that was helpful,' she thought irritably, and put the flask away.

Back to answering questions. She tried to hide how flustered she felt with a weak smile, but she felt buried in the memories that were overtaking her, things that she had forgotten about, perhaps things that she had been afraid to remember. Hallucinations? No, too real, too right for that. She gritted her teeth a moment, then took a deep breath and replied, "Sorry, I've a bit of a hangover. I've been here.. oh, maybe a little longer than you, not by much though." The first statement wasn't an outright lie. She felt like she was hung over, like she was withdrawing from something terribly, vitally important to her. She swayed a little, leaned against the tree to keep an appearance of balance. 'Save some face, will you, Fia?' she chastized herself.

This was ridiculous.

The final question brought a smile, if a vague one, to the girl's lips. She nodded slowly. "Why, yes," she told her new packmate, her voice much more cheerful now. "Yes, I would say that we are sisters now, Pontiac. Say, have you any family about?" She hadn't meant to ask, but it had just come out, and it was too late to take it back. Should she lie, if asked about her own family? They were not here. But she was not ashamed of them, so she ought not to lie about them, either. She would tell the truth... if she was asked, that was.


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