
Not a problem ^^ Skipping Theo for this turn so that we can get you accepted ASAP. I’ll have Nani run away after this and you two can continue or close the thread. :] Welcome!!! wc: 200

He gave her his hand willingly. Naniko didn’t usually enjoy discussing wolves in front of the wolf themselves, but in the case of the newcomer it seemed to be the easiest way for them to get the process over and done with. She didn’t know how long that he had been speaking to Theodore, but she wanted to get him situated in the pack as soon as possible. She gave him a small cut on his finger and pressed her own to it, holding them together with her thumbs. After a few seconds she pulled back, a small red stain showing on her pristine fur.

The female considered her job at the borders to be finished. ”Welcome to Anathema. Theodore, w ill you get him settled in? I must finish my rounds of the borders.” She felt certain that she would see Liev around the pack lands, and she saw Theodore on a regular basis. She’d let the newcomer get settled in and then go and check on him later on to see how he was doing. "See ya." She gave the two wolves a nod, re-sheathing her dagger and turning to restart her rounds of the border once more.

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