M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]

:]] wc: 729

The cave system was dimly lit. Naniko was trying to find some way to work on getting more fires out in the tunnels outside of the wolves’ individual dens, but wasn’t sure about what the pack thought. Another thing to think about for an upcoming pack meeting. She wanted there to be adequate lighting for those who chose to have it, but didn’t want to shed too much light on those in the pack who wished to remain in darkness or partial darkness. She preferred to have a small fire going at all times inside of her cave but kept it hidden behind a large boulder so that it wasn’t direct light and so that it wouldn’t be as much of a danger to Scorpius.

Her son did tend to get into trouble, she had found, if left completely to his own devices. Naniko had tried to instill values onto the child and she expected him to follow her rules, but each day the boy seemed to find something new to do that she hadn’t thought to teach him of or give him a rule about yet. Naniko had disciplined him upon their return to the cave after he had gone out to Dahlia de Mai on his own and made her go after him. Her time was valuable and wasn’t to be spent chasing after a wayward pup. His actions had consequences to them, she had tried to teach him. That time she had shown him the consequences but later in life when he was not her responsibility he would learn them for himself.

That her new packmate didn’t sleep well either was a surprise to her; she didn’t find many others with the same plight as she did. Was it because Fiachra was new and didn’t feel comfortable yet that she couldn’t sleep, or some other reason? Naniko had never really experienced a dream or nightmare, at least, none that she could remember, and didn’t know if that could be a reason behind it or not. There had been times where she hadn’t been able to sleep due to bad thoughts about her ex-mate, but never actual nightmares or dreams about him. At least in sleep she’d had some peace.

”If I hadn’t been kicked out of my old pack, Crimson Dreams, I wouldn’t be here now. I couldn’t give two shits if the wolves in it lived or died now, but I can at least appreciate the fact that if I hadn’t left there I wouldn’t be here having this merry time with you.” Her drink emptied itself as she spoke and she reached for the bottle herself, pouring a bit more. Her routine could wait for one night, she supposed; she would have to stay in if she was drinking. What sort of a leader would she be if she came across a newcomer at the borders in this condition? She could imagine it now, herself inviting in whoever it was without questioning them intensely.

”Huh?” She realized that she hadn’t been listening to the gray female when she heard the end of the question. Her mind scrambled to make up the words to the beginning of what Fiachra had said. Something about her daggers. ”My daggers. Uhh..well, I guess because I’m not that good of a fighter. Don’t tell anyone else that, though, OK? This way if I even manage to scratch them they’ll be done for, you see?” It was smart for her to dip them in her poison, she thought. It would help to make up for her inadequacies in the sparring and fighting areas. ”I’m a lover, not a fighter” She said, letting out a loud and echoing laugh.

”But seriously. I did kill someone with them.” Her expression turned back to what it normally was, tranquil as ever. ”We had a spy come over from Inferni, the coyote clan to our West. Other packs had issues with them…Dahlia de Mai even had a little war with em. One of them got all the way up to the entrance of the caves…right outside my den, if you can believe that!” She said. The volume of her voice rose as she spoke, getting more into the conversation. ”Theodore had found him, one of my warriors. But I took care of the spy in the end. How do you defend yourself usually, Fi-nacha?”

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