tidal wave gonna cover me
OOC; I knew that. ;D *Fail* Oh well, Toklo would've wandered into the territory either way.

Toklo's brisk gait slowed as the wolf turned to him. Toklo was still out of hearing range, but he could see the wolf more clearly now. Deffinately a female. Toklo's ears pinned back against his skull as she took a few steps towards him. Was she about to attack? He was usually the one to commence the fighting. He swallowed a snarl and kept on his slow pace towards her, sensing that she had made a mistake. She stopped moving and the air of excitement dropped from around her. Toklo's steps faltered momentarily, unsure what had changed the feeling in her. But, of course, he continued on his way to her. He watched her facial features closely as he neared the matron, waiting for a sign of hostility. Because, it was not every day that you saw an unknown wolf come prancing up to you like they'd known you for years. Toklo snorted loudly. He shook his head. The female was waching him with a wary expression on her face. Perhaps he had done something wrong already. He sniffed the air again, and for the first time smelled other wolves. Alot of them. A pack. He grimaced. That's why she was so uptight. Not that he wouldn't have trespassed anyways though....

She opened her mouth to speak, so he cut his thoughts short. "My name is Toklo, ma'am. That is what you may call me. No silly nick-names or anything of the sort. Thank you." He said somewhat curtly, but in a formal, nice, pleasant tone. He was just tired of those stupid names that others placed for him. He rolled his eyes, remembering a few. Toky, Low, Toke, To... The list just kept growing. He cleared his throat apologetically. Usually he wasn't this formal, but usually he wasn't caught off guard in another pack's territory. If he was found in another pack's territory he meant to be there. It wasn't unusual to find him trespassing...but, it was unusual for him to be seen in the territory without any means of being there. "Uhhh..." he was at a loss for words. He made a face. "No. I just figured that out, miss." He said, a bit uncomfortable. "My apologies." The masculine male wolf frowned. "I will be on my way now, if you wish...."

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