Light of Sagittarius

OOC: :3 Unpredictable, I thought for sure you were going to just toss it XD SSWM: 375

Kemo nodded when she thanked him, smiling widely as he thought back on what she had been doing the entire time he spoke. She had remained quiet the entire time, but did that mean she had really listened to him? There was no real way he could answer that question, apart from asking her, but he had more important things on his mind. The words she had used...the relaxed and easy way she had said was certainly interesting. The choice of words and the way she said them both sounded very peculiar indeed, but what was she implying? She had used 'we' as in him and her...did that imply that she meant for them to be at each other's side? As friends..or as something more?

Before he could elaborate on this thought further, his thoughts were interrupted by a gentle sniff, followed by her handing the joint back to him. This surprised him, almost to the point of not taking the joint back, too disbelieving to think that she hadn't tossed the thing into the woods, but lo and behold, here it was, burning freely in his hand again. Luckily for him she knew he was blind, otherwise he wouldn't have noticed her handing it back to him. "You continue to surprise me Ralla." He smiled and took one last hit before disposing of the burning material. Thanks to the snow, there would be no fire hazard present, but during the summer he would have to develop a habit of burying the remains. It just wouldn't do to have his entire home burned to the ground because of carelessness.

"A hunt you say? Well of course, I would love to go on a hunt with you. It is my birthday after all, so why don't we celebrate with dinner, great conversation, and a chance to really celebrate the day of my birth. It's been a while since anyone's celebrated my birthday with me...not since...since I was..." He couldn't finish the sentence, choosing instead to turn and head for the treeline, making sure she was following him or walking by his side, whichever she preferred. "Well, thank you, at any rate. So.. what are you in the mood for?"

Kemo ”talks”, walks, and thinks.

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Table by Fae

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