[M] - Nox noctis divum est sic pulchellus

Hmm... Well, I guess posting is a little less of a project Big Grin WC: 211

Axelle was so lost in thought that she hadn’t even noticed when the other female approached her. Normally, she would probably shy away from this unknown wolf, just for her own protection, but now she sat calmly, and even thought about passing the joint to her. She delayed on that, though. The femme that approached seemed to be very curious about her weed. Ah, maybe I’ll share it with her.. Instead of a vocal greeting, she nodded toward her while holding a pull inside.


It was the answer to her question, and after about a minute Axelle found this funny. She began to laugh hard and didn’t stop for about a minute. When she did finally stop, it was abrupt and like it never happened at all. She looked at the half-smoked joint in her hand, and passed it to her new friend. She held it out to her. She didn’t know how long she stretched her arm out to her, but it only felt like a millisecond before the next thing came. A question. The question seemed so wonderful in her cloudy mind. Every thought seemed so much more important, and it seemed time sometimes went by extremely slow. The faster times came by in throbs.

What’s your name?

Axe acts Axe speaks Axe conquers (thinks)

Table made by Fy`Ra.

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