sunshine's been keepin' me up for days [p]


This new friend was confusing. Maggie knew she was trying to play, and to be honest, she really wanted to play with her new friend, but something didn’t seem right. She sure acted like a wolf, and she wanted to play like a wolf, but she didn’t smell like one. There was a lingering scent of something else, a scent Maggie couldn’t place. It wasn’t a scent that Maggie was wary of, to be honest she didn’t mind, so the little girl let her guard down with a small smile. The creature before her said she was a wolf, so Maggie believed her. At her age it was hard for Maggie to tell when people were lying to her. Though to be honest, Maggie didn’t care if her friend was lying. She would probably be fun to play with. She was awfully big for a wolf, and she wondered what she could have possibly eaten to make her such a big animal. Maggie hoped she’d never be that big.

“Yeah, I see that,” she grinned at her playmate’s expense, wagging her silvery tail. “Do you like being so big? You could probably climb anywhere!” Maggie’s manners were subpar at the moment, as her mother hadn’t taught her the phenomenon of tact in asking questions. Maggie was blunt, but didn’t see any other way of asking the question. Maggie was also unaware of how sluggish and cumbersome bear bodies were, and didn’t realize that climbing was probably out of the option for the Grizzly in front of her. The ‘wolf’ was trying to be nice to her, because Maggie knew this was her land. The little one lapped all the attention up, grinning but not allowing her friend to get up. Maggie towered over her friend, and looked her straight in the eye.

“I can have adventures. Momma lets me. Poppy and Foxglove don’t like exploring so my Momma lets me go out on my own because no one ever wants to go with me,” she said with a sad smile, when she thought about her sisters. When her friend introduced herself as Malachi, Maggie positioned herself so that Maggie was looking directly down Malachi’s snout, and made a funny face at her because she was on the ground. “I’m Maggie,” she giggled, and jumped away from Malachi’s face. “You should come exploring with me. At least then Momma won’t get mad at me for going out on my own!” she said happily, not even waiting for her friend to get off the snowy, frozen ground before running full tilt into the strange, creaking woods in front of her.

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Table by fae! <3

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