Coast to Coast

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 517 words

Juju really didn't like sitting around. It was no fun. He wanted to be out running about and playing, not just sitting around and waiting if someone might or might not show up. He whined and pawed at the ground, looking up at his mom for some relief to his boredom. But he wasn't to find it through her. Instead the bark came from the opposite direction. He turned around and saw another pup. He returned her cry and ran over to meet her. His tail wagged excitedly as he gave a playful growl and made to try and pounce on her.

"No Juju, that is a girl. You can't play rough with her." Selene said as she reached out to pull him away. She placed her pup right back down beside her. "You have to play gently with her. You can't be mean." She scolded him gently, trying to teach him the difference between playing with a girl and playing with a boy. "You have to be careful not to hurt her and treat her nicely." She patiently explained to him. After all these would prove to be life lessons, something to stick with him as he grew up and got older. He had to start learning now how to treat the fairer sex. "If you are going to play then you have to play nice."

After she finished her talk with her son she looked over to the little girl. "Hey there little one, what is your name?" She questioned the pup. "I'm Selene and this is Juju. She figured it would be best to go ahead and introduce herself and her son. That perhaps it would have her feeling better and not so afraid and cautious and wary as she was. "We are from Anathema. What place is this that you live? Maybe your mom can bring you over to play with Juju sometime. Or the other pups. Scorpius is also around your age."

She wasn't certain how her parents would feel about it but the offer still stood anyways. It could help to form some interpack relations. Perhaps even some kind of alliance or working relationship. Certainly Nani would like that. It would prove that Sele was of some use after all. That maybe she wasn't just a burden. She certainly needed some big spectacle after all. Some grand display of her worth. This could just be it. Of course it would be done through her son. But still, it would be something at least. The thought even had the female smiling a bit more.

"We were going to the city to find some toys for Juju. Has you mother taken you there yet? Perhaps on our way back home we can bring something to leave right here for you." It was an idea. If you a pamper a child it could possibly be a way to get on a parent's good side. Or at least it built a pleasant start with the next generation. And with the suggestion Juju had nodded eagerly and bounced back over to the other pup. He made to lick at her face where he normally would have tried chewing on it but he didn't want to get fussed at again.


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