Shadow Girl
OOC: XD okeydokey. I do like this'un better, but both were nice XDD and I'll be like OMG Big Grin if they win the superlative.

Valinta sighed in J'adore's arms. He was strong, and it was a nice tight grip, and made her feel safe. She couldn't put her finger on what the feeling that she felt was, but it was strong. Only one thing that she had ever felt before could match it, and that was her feelings for her father.
But these feelings were different. They didn't make any sense, but told her things. They told her to get as close to J'adore as possible, and hold him. Valinta didn't really want to relinquish the warmth and safety of J'adore's embrace, but she had to, so they could talk.
Slightly moving out of his arms, and turning around to face him, she smiled at him. "I'd love to be able to write like Shakespeare." she giggled quietly. Listening to his questions, Valinta smiled brightly.
"I'd love to hear about your pack!" she said excitedly. "I've never been to any of them except for Cercatori."
He asked about her homeland, her country. She nodded. She was from Russia, and craved to go back again, to visit, or stay, or something. She wanted to visit her old packlands, but some of the fear that the war had wiped out everybody remained. She wanted to see her babushka, and her papi. But she couldn't, because she was seperated by an ocean, a war, a language, and her feelings, both for J'adore, and about the war.
"I am from Russia..." she sighed sadly. It had been horrible for her to leave. She hadn't seen her father, and could only assume that he was dead. Her uncle's head had been put on a pike after he was killed, and she had seen it as she had left her home, the large castle that had been in the territory. Their attackers had invaded the castle and opened the doors of all the sleeping wolves, and killed them. It had been a slaughter, and Valinta was in her father's room, sleeping, when it had happened.
He had woken her up, and taken her to the port. "Go, Valinta." he had told her. When she'd cried for her father to come with her, he shook his head and she sobbed like her world was ending.
And her world did end, that day. She'd lost her father, her uncle, her friends, and everyone in one day. Valinta's world had collapsed, leaving her to dig her way out or suffocate in the ruins. And she'd dug herself out, in Cercatori.
Looking at J'adore, Valinta realized that it was time to build a new world.

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