[M]- Drugs and Booze at Adagio Creek!

803 words. Might want to make this a mature thread, with the alcohol and drug references. WE'RE GOING OUT SMASHIN' MAILBOXES. And this thread couldn't be complete without a PET FAINTING GOAT.

The river was quiet as the coywolf strode alongside it, able to find his way easily now that he crossed along AniWaya's larger river. Bangle had only been this way once, though he had never gone through the heart of this strange, native like pack. It seemed as if he was going back in time by traversing the area, to a destination he was given directions to by that bubbly Austral fellow. AniWaya looked as if they went back to their very native roots, and just by a few glances around the area as the coywolf walked by, it was easily spotted.. and.. well, different.

Stopping for a brief moment, Bangle noticed that the slow moving river widened up further along, and if the craftsman ever hoped to get to where he was going, he would have to cross. Bangle sighed and looked down at his pet goat, who he had yet to show to Skye. For lack of any better name, he called the young female goat Cheddar, not only for what it was able to produce but for its light brown splotches and cream colored fur. As he glanced at the goat with horns that were but mere stubs, it too looked up with floppy ears and wide golden eyes, bleating in question. With the other one now gone, the other goat didn't have much back up in their noisy protest of being stolen not a day ago, but still was as stubborn as ever.

Bangle's eyed the river again, and readjusted what he carried with him on his shoulders. The traveling merchant couldn't bare to leave his satchel, tool belt, and straps at home. They went wherever the coywolf went. Who knew what one could need at any moment. Whether it was useful or not, Bangle still carried it for any purpose. Of course, he was a bit more loaded down as he had scavenged nearby empty houses in Thornbury for bottles of alcohol - something he hadn't touched since he arrived in Cercatori. Anything else that was in danger of being wet was securely tied or put in pouches. "Well lil' tipsy," he said to the goat, giving it a nickname for the goat's hilarious condition. "Bad time ta' faint now." As he said those words, he leaned down and picked up the small, 5 month old goat in his arms, stepping towards the riverbank.

Poor Cheddar, of course, didn't care for this one bit. Bangle's bat like ears pressed against his head as he lifted the goat up and over his head, entering the cold, ice laden water. It wasn't deep, and thankfully the waters ran slowly, but still the coywolf wasn't sure if he needed to create a makeshift muzzle for the loud little goat. The moment Bangle's feet touched dry land, on the other side, he set the goat down, and it look up at its captor with a 'Are you mad!?' look. Bangle grinned at the goat as he shook off water as best he could, trying not to let his fur be too damp in the coldest of months.

The traveler recalled that happening to him once, he was nearly frozen to death when a small band had found him. He was glad for their hospitality, and wondered if he would ever see them again.. but now Bangle had other things to think about. He had a female to provide for, though he was far more used to providing only for himself, being the loner he was. Hell, had Bangle been fortunate to have found a goat, he'd have eaten it on the spot. But the first thing he thought about when he found the two lonely young things were to give one to Skye, and the other just to sell. Of course, the latter notion didn't end as well as he'd hoped.

Pulling the little goat along, Bangle's presence was easily announced by both what he wore and the bleating goat. Cheddar, too, would soon be elegantly decorated as the traveler was, as soon as the coywolf as able to stop hiding it from the russet haired female. It didn't take the pair long to find J'adore in the clearing, and thought he caught the male in the distance consuming something.

As they approached, Bangle grinned wide. "Well I hope ya brought enough fer both of us, friend," he said, scenting the open bottle of booze. As the coywolf set his own things down on a neighboring boulder, he tied the rope of the pet goat along the rock as well. It seemed colder than usual that day, yet Bangle was still a bit wet waist down from crossing the creek. He unhooked a bottle of something or other and waved it in the other male's face. "So what're ya waitin' for, hm?"

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