Remember the Footsteps

Trying out a new table by Miss Sie. :3 Word Count: 544

Pixie widened her eyes. Only five feet? That was even shorter than her. And why did they shrink over time? That made no sense. And to think that humans used to dominate over every other animal in the world. They would have had to have been brilliant creatures, having built tall buildings and written books and invented musical instruments, and to leave such an impact on the world even after they had been gone for several decades.

Yes, she is a good leader. These guys are her nephews and niece, right?” she asked, gesturing to the three pups. “She’s got a pretty big family. Not as big as mine, because I had more siblings than there are wolves in this pack, but Crimson Dreams has a lot of members related to Savina, huh? And she’s from…Rome, I think? Italy?” It was somewhere that was across the ocean, somewhere far away, hopefully somewhere that Pixie could visit one day. She would always be a wanderer at heart, going everywhere where there were new places to see and new people to meet. And Savina and her family proved that there were new things across the water that the young wolfess had yet to see but knew existed, which made her all the more excited to go there.

She nodded at his agreement that being tall was an advantage, and when the subject was once more on horses, she noticed that Jazper wasn’t as comfortable talking about the four-legged herbivores as he was other things. When he admitted to only once riding on a horse, she nodded in understanding. “It’s not a skill meant for everybody. My parents saw horses more as food and nuisances than anything else. But I grew up around them and I learn to think of them as more than prey. But just earning their trust is difficult, let alone learning to ride them. I still have a few scars from where Magic bit me or I fell off him. I can understand why you wouldn’t be so keen on riding them.” It all depended on experience and how things played out; if Pixie hadn’t spent time with Magic and gained his trust before attempting to ride him, she probably would have quit the first time he bucked her off. It was a skill that required a lot of determination and patience, and even though she was sure Jazper was both of those things, she didn’t expect him to be perfectly fine with learning how to ride, especially if he had had a bad experience his first time around horses.

Well, then, good for her,” she said of the pup, chuckling. “She’ll show her brothers who’s boss. By the way, what’s the little girl’s name? And the names of her brothers? I think I heard Ghita saying them at the birthing, but to be honest I can’t remember them.” All she remembered was that they were Italian names, which came as no surprise. At Jazper’s suggestion that they could play violin together, her ears perked up. “Yeah! Maybe I could even write some sort of guitar-violin duet. That would sound pretty awesome, huh?” Both string instruments had very different sounds, but Pixie had a feeling that together, they could create a kickass duet.

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