ashes to ashes
The bronze wolf had just gotten done eating, and was about to shift back into his were form when the scent of Iskata came to his nose. He typically wanted to present a strong front to outsiders, it was his job to be intimidating at the very least, so it was odd that he was unshifted. He needed all four legs to hunt, however, and given that he knew Iskata, there seemed to be no need to be ready for a fight. Making swift progress toward the woman who he hadn't seen since his exile, he slowed down upon making visual contact.

"Greetings, Iskata," he said somberly. Surely she had seen the devastation that had been left in the wake of the burning of the valley they'd both called home. Surely she was worried about her children. Or perhaps she had found them already? He had gone to check on Phoenix recently, only to find that he had gone. He had mentioned that he would do so eventually, once his health returned to a great enough extent to travel. Perhaps this burning event had been enough to get his blood pumping, and to get him back onto his feet. Maybe they'd met up, or perhaps they were both looking for their children and she was just here looking to see if any had made their way to this mountain, perhaps following the familiar face of Pilot. "I'm glad to see that you made it."

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