M. Chop another line like a coda with a curse
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I ADORE YOU. wc: 493

She was often struck with bouts of insomnia, and was now beginning to get used to it. Naniko stretched out in her bed, her feet hanging over the edge. There was no bed that would fit her, not even the queen-sized mattress that she had hauled back, but it was comfortable enough most nights. A little springy, but she had put a thick fur beneath the bottom sheet to help with that. The female was used to sleeping in all sorts of conditions, so this bed felt pretty good most of the time. Only when she couldn't sleep did she find herself frustrated with the springs or length of the bed or width of it. The darn thing was too small, she would think. Sometimes she got too hot in that room, with the fire going behind the boulder in the corner, and she would lay down on the floor to cool off or would add less wood the next night. She was still learning about her new home.

Jade eyes looked over to the side of her bed, the female now almost fully awake. Scorpius was out on this night, most likely sleeping with his cousin and aunt in their den. She stared at his blankets blankly for a few moments before sitting up in bed, crossing her legs indian-style. Maybe if she tried to clear her mind she would be able to fall back asleep. It had worked once or twice...maybe three times was the charm. Naniko closed her eyes again, trying to concentrate.

It was then that she heard it, scuffling outside. It didn't sound like a normal gait and she was confused for a moment, fur standing on end. Was it a bear? She worried about bears finding their way into the cave for the winter. But then...wouldn't they have come in the fall to go to sleep? She wasn't quite sure. She'd find out, though. The tall luperci got to her feet quickly, the bed creaking in relief as her weight came off of it. She crept through her room, stepping over a few of Scorpius' things and peering around the corner of her cave. A voice sounded and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Fuck! Who would come calling at this time of night?

"Geneva, you almost scared me to death" She whispered. "The pack's asleep--hurry up and get your ass inside." She came out fully into view, crossing her arms. The temperature of her cave had been much higher than that of the air that flowed freely into the entrance to their living quarters and she shivered slightly. She had told Geneva that she was welcomed at any time, and wondered what the female's reasons were for being her. A sharp scent hit her nose and she looked to the bottle curiously. "No, Scorpius is sleeping with his cousin tonight, I think. Or he better be. Glad to see you uhh...made it here OK"

Table by Jenny!

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