M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
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LOTS of powerplay! Let me know if I should change something. <3 SSWM: 1091 (jfc).

Naniko's words took her off-guard, and she simply stared for a few moments. Fiachra had never been asked such a direct question, not especially such a sexual one. While she formulated an answer, or attempted to at least, she watched the snow white queen knock the bottle off of the... wait, what? The bottle crashed off of the table and shattered. "Oh, fuck! My lady, watch out!" she tried to warn, but it was too late. Everything was moving in slow motion as Naniko knelt down, slicing herself open. Fiachra jumped up, carefully darting in and grabbing the bleeding queen, leading her out of the mess of glass and to the bed. "Stay here. Trust me," she demanded gently, sitting her queen down on the bed. She had never given a leader an order before, but she knew this was urgent. Clumsily, and slicing herself a few times as she went, she swept up the blood stained glass, pushing it into the furthest corner along with the broom. She would clean it up later. No time for that now. She needed to care for her queen, and she needed to do so now.

She grabbed her medic bag from beside the bed, placing it near Naniko and kneeling down in front of her queen. Using tweezers, albeit very slowly and clumsily, she removed the glass from her queen's wounds. As she did so, she spoke in a soothing voice. "It's all right, my lady.. very minor. This shouldn't hurt, if you're half as drunk as I am." Not the absolute best thing to say, but adrenaline could only do so much for being plastered like she was. She had sobered off in the chaos only enough to not do too much more damage when removing the glass from Naniko's wounds, but her hands shook, and she occasionally muttered something incomprehensible to herself. Her surroundings were still swaying and twisting, and she tried desperately to ignore them. As she fought to remove the last shard of glass, she turned to the table, shouting at it, "Please stop moving, Fedora! You are so distracting!" Even she was unclear, the moment afterward, why she had addressed her table using her sister's name. It had made sense at the time... ah, well.

All of the glass removed, Fiachra doused the wounds with alcohol. Again, she spoke soothingly, knowing Naniko would be able to feel the sting, if not in a very dull way, and hoping to keep her calm. "I just need to wash this out... so it doesn't get infu.. infra.. infected." The word stuck on her tongue and she fought to spit it out, winning at last. She took out a new bottle of absinthe and opened it, then laid her queen down on the bed and held her head up gently. "Take a big sip, my lady. I need to stitch this. Believe it or not, 'cause of the adray.. adurr.. uhm, 'cause we got scared, you're not drunk enough anymore." Her speech slurred and faltered a bit, and she wondered if she should really be taking a needle to her queen's skin. However, the cut on the knee would come open if Naniko moved, even if bandaged, and stitches would minimize the scars anyhow.

She helped Naniko take a few sips of the Golden Fairy, as it had been so aptly named, and then corked the bottle and put it away, hoping to avoid another mishap like this one. Then she soothed her queen as best as she knew how, humming softly as she rubbed a mild anesthetic onto the wound. Between the drunkeness and the anesthesia, Naniko ought not feel much. Then she threaded a needle with her special medical thread and slowly, carefully stitched the wound closed. Her vision doubled, then tripled as she did so, and she stabbed herself in the hand with the needle to snap herself out of it. Her pain cleared her mind for moments at a time, and after a while, the stitching was complete. Fiachra tied a knot in the thread, her hands trembling with effort and intoxication. Then she applied a healing salve and wrapped a linen bandage around the knee, tying that off as well. "Just rest," she whispered softly. "Almost finished..."

Now for the hands. She had sterilized those already, but she needed to examine them. No need for stitches or even bandages on those, which had only shallow scrapes. She applied the same salve to them, hoping to help them heal faster. This was of her own making, from plants and ingredients she had procured back home. Now, in the winter, it would be impossible to make more, but she had plenty. She finished and sighed, then realized for the first time that she had managed to get glass lodged in her foot. She had scarcely noticed any pain, but no wonder she had been able to stay so clear-minded - a relative term, truly - this entire time! She removed the glass, wincing with pain, and examined the cut. Not too deep. No need to stitch it. She poured her medical alcohol over it, gasping and gritting her teeth as stinging shot through the wound. It passed, and a feeling of intense pleasure followed. She glanced at Naniko, then poured a little more, repeating the experience. Her head flooded with powerful happiness, or something like it. Mm, pain...

No time for that now. She applied healing salve to her foot, then put her medic bag away. She sneaked a few sips of absinthe from the new bottle she'd given to Naniko for her stitching - this had sobered her off far too much, the room was scarcely spinning - and then slipped into bed with her queen and laid close enough for her to close the distance, if she so desired. The bed wasn't very big to begin with. She gazed at her queen with softness in her icy blue eyes, softness that almost brought them back to their original sky-blue. Almost.

She smiled slightly as she leaned down and whispered. "How are you feeling, my lady?" Her voice was weak as she was flooded with a mixture of emotions - desire, concern, adoration, more desire. Her mind was now replaying the moments leading up to this one, and the words Naniko had spoken rang clear in her mind. Oh, dear God, what was she doing? It didn't matter anymore. Tonight was so far beyond her control... best to just give up and enjoy it while it lasted.


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