Joining - Leader needed please

Ookami had been looking around, when the cold wind blew once again. With the wind however he picked up a new scent. Jefferson. He guessed it. The alpha came walking up towards them and he dipped his head in respect, before moving over so he had Kami in full site. He stole a glance at Jefferson. He admired and respected this wolf so much. It seemed he had gone through so much but he still stood tall and proud and didn't let the past show on his face. He was surprised the way Kami spoke to him. He sounded so... not nervous, he definatley was when Geneva came along. He watched Kami and waited for Jefferson's reply.

He snuggled farther into the snow. He was slowly getting warmer and he smiled in anticipation. Kami seemed to thrive under pressure and would probably do well in the meeting with the alpha. Ookami hoped this wolf would be accepted because he seemed like a kind wolf that Ookami could get along with. He waited patently.

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