Blood On The Walls

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; 1006 words

Ouija had many of his own quirks though living in a cult had many blessings. He offered out what he had without a concern for getting anything in return. Those in the cult took care of each other and their needs.What was had was shared. If he could do something that another could not he would give away his services without expectation of reward. The opposite happened as well, he received help from others for things he had no idea about himself. Like he depended on Demi for his fix of shrooms. And he lined her den with soft furs to sleep on. So of course the fur in his hands made him think of his sister though he had no idea what had happened to her. He was tempted to save it for her just in case he ever ran into her again. But who was to say that would ever happen? For all he knew she could very well be dead as were his other friends in the cult.

An ear twitched as he listened to the other enter and move closer. He felt eyes on him but he didn't look up. "I'm cleaning it." He explained even though the question wasn't asked. "Getting all of the blood and extra meat off of it so it will be smooth and ready to be soaked so that I can stretch it out later and make stuff from it." He lifted his hand with the knife in it and made a vague motion towards the pile of completed hides in the corner of the room. "Some seem to think that they can be traded for other things so I'm just saving up what is done for now to see if they can be used or not." Though it wasn't like he didn't skin and tan everything with a pelt that he killed anyways. And he wasn't killing to just kill. He, or in the case of the moose, and the rest of the pack ate the meat. So nothing was being wasted. He simply dried out the meat to make it last longer though it still got eaten.

"Well I have plenty to share. Still have the organs left over well if you want those instead. Just cut up the rest of it to dry it out so that it will last longer and I don't have to worry about it going foul if it doesn't all get eaten in a single sitting." He really tried his damnedest to not let anything go to waste. He really hated to waste things, especially meat in the winter when there were no back up supplies. No, he figured out ways to save everything that he could.

He sat up, having had to hunch over to scrape clean the underside of the pelt, and stretched. He placed down his knife so that he could run his fingers over his work and check to make sure that it was even. The question had him glancing up at the other and shrugging slightly. "I'm not really sure. I've never seen this before. I found it on the coast though, it had been swimming in the water." He turned over the hide so that the fur could be seen and tried to fold it up the best that he could in order to make it resemble the animal that it had come from. He held up what he had to show it off. "Have you seen it before?" He asked as he looked to the other man. "The fur is really soft and since there was talk of trading I thought that others might want something like this." He explained why he had gotten the animal even though he had no idea what it was. It was just an opportunity that he simply found himself unable to pass up.

He smiled as the other tasted the meat and seemed to like it. "What does it taste like? I haven't tried it yet since I've been working on everything else." He had simply been keeping his mind too busy to even think about eating. That was something that he was going to do on a break since he was working on a time schedule. After all the sooner he could get the pelt to soaking then the sooner that he could get to actually completing it. "I'm Ouija, founding craftsman."

At the sound he glanced to the door before glancing to the man that he found out was Mars. "Yours?" He questioned simply because he had no idea whose it could be. He knew that it wasn't his own though. But perhaps it belonged to the female that had come for the tattoo. After all she was to return for coloring and she had a horse with her when he had first met her. He couldn't think of any others that would visit the lodge though. Not with all the time that he spent alone in it.

"Of course. You can take however much you want. I think I might have some that is dried still. Not the same as this animal but some rabbit instead. I can easily go out and hunt and get something else." He had learned to dig out burrows to get to some of the animals that would hide underground and sleep, or just hide. Because of that he was pretty confident with his abilities. And as he had said before there were still the organs left to eat and perhaps some dried meat as well. He certainly wasn't worried about starving at all. Not like others in the pack seemed to be. After all the talk for trading had come from worry for food supply. But he had never been worried. He knew that there were fish in Fundy Bay and so he could easily get those. That is what they did in New Brunswick if something extra was needed in the winter. If one was resourceful enough then there was always a way to find food.

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