OOC: 372 WC

Itzal was pretty easy going. He did not freak out to much, or anything like that. He could control his emotions pretty good. But even he was pretty stunned when Sky grabbed his face and shoved her face in his and told him how good his common sense was for not trying to pierce himself. At least that is what he thought she was complimenting him on.

He followed her while she began talking, telling him he could get anything he wanted, so he figure he would stick with his ear piercing for now. He could always find her later and pay for more. He reacted fast when she came to a stop and turned to look at him. As she began to ask if he had something to pay her, his trademark smirkish smile came on his face as he reached into a pouch tied onto his jeans and pulled out a needle. The needle was made of Wolf bone. And dyed red.

He had made it himself before he had Arrived at Nova Scotia. He had came along a feral wolf, a loner. It had been very hungry, and decided to make a meal out of him. Or at least try to. The wolf was weak with hunger and Itzal quickly kill him. Then ate some of him. He took one of the Wolf's leg bones. He had slowly formed it into a piercing needle. Then, in spring time, he had gotten berries with red color and smashed them up in a makeshift bowl. Using their juice, he had dyed the needle red.

He had figured if worse came to worst, he would pierce himself with it. But when he had heard that sky was a piercer, he knew right away he could pay her with it...if she took it. "Will this do? It is a needle I made myself. I figured you could sanatize it and use it. That way it would make up for any needle you use on me." Itzal was glad he had thought of using it to pierce himself, cause it now gave him something that she might want herself to use. Huh, he thought It is funny how everything eventually has a use

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