
RIP. Your ear hair. ;D

Sky looked up at him and frowned. "Does it look like I've ever spilled the wax before?" She adjusted some, and dapped a tiny drop onto the wax paper she'd pulled out with it. "It won't hurt any, and does it really look like I can spill it?" She smirked and showed him the paper, where just a tiny dab was dropped onto it, still moist and sticky like glue. "It starts cold, and the wax on the paper mixes into it and makes it harder. I fold the paper like so..." She folded it on the dab, then rubbed it. "And now it's hot, so stay still."

Leaning forward, she unfolded the paper and placed it gently on his ear, the back of it, and pressed down. Holding it there a moment, the boy could probably feel it set in, clinging to the tiny hairs there. "The ears are sensitive, so you might feel a nasty sting when I take it off. Brace yourself. Deep breath in..." She'd listen closely for his following her instructions, and if he did... then...


Girl snatched the paper away, along with a half-inch wide patch of fur. No doubt, that so-called sting was going to hurt more than the piercing itself. She grinned wickedly and glanced at it. "Mwaha. Now I can clone you for my evil army of doom and llamas." She paused to look up at him, ears perked. "You okay for the next bit? Gotta do the inside of the ear now. That's gonna hurt a bit more." Oh joy. Girl went about readying the next drop of wax.

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