into the depths

SSWM: 334

Kesho did not appreciate trickery, even within his own clan. The man was annoyed when pranks were played on him, or when others sneaked up on him. An ear twitched as he heard the sounds of someone approaching, and he immediately whirled around, a snarl clearly on his face. He had barely had chance to explore yet, either.

The scent that was brought to his nostrils was unfamiliar, but carried the faint scent of Inferni. A new member, maybe? Either way, whoever it was should not be sneaking up on old men like that. Kesho gave a low growl of warning before the stranger spoke, was even taking a daring tone with his speech.

"HEY, what are you looking for out in these caves?" yelled the dark male.

Clearly, the stranger did not recognize Kesho as a clan member. This alone was immediately offensive to the old man. Kesho emerged from the cave he had been inspecting, his hackles raised in annoyance. Those dark red eyes fell on the figure before him and narrowed, his mind filling instantly with anger. WOLF! raged Bael's voice inside of his head. Kill him...! screamed the voice, but Kesho was hesitant. Keen eyes inspected the face of this screaming man once again, and he could see a faint trace of something else... something familiar. Coyote. Still, his blood was impure and Kesho scoffed.

"What are you doing, talking to me like that? I'll do whatever I like in these caves." he stated, his tone serious, offended by the man's condescension. "Who are you? When did you get here?" he questioned grumpily.

The old man stalked a half-circle around the other male, trying to pick up more information from his scent. He recognized the scent of Kaena, of that dark, ebony woman who was related to her. The one he didn't like much. Kesho's eyes narrowed again. Could this one be trusted?

No one can be trusted, Kesho; even you know that, idiot! hissed Bael into Kesho's mind, his thoughts unintentionally infiltrated.

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