

Sky of coursed glanced down and smirked as he picked out which one he liked. Yes, she'd liked that one too. She had one just like it at home. "Okay, hon, this will only pinch..." She turned her attention back to the needle, and lined it up, while saying in a soft tone, "Three..."

She glanced around to the back of the ear and gently pushed her claw at the spot through the rubber, marking it with her fingers. The needle lined up and touched the skin with the point, a foreboding feeling. "Two..." Then, as she, in that same tone, said 'one', she pushed the needle through firmly, leaving it half-way in for a second, then taking it out quickly, setting it down on her lap carefully and bringing some gauze up to the new hole.

"Alright, just let me see the stud..." She reached down and took it from him, twisting off the ball, and then, the more annoying part, poking it into the hole. The threads were bound to hurt a bit, but after that, she closed it up and brought the solution to his ear again, cleaning off the tiny bit of blood and whatever was left of germs and such. "All done, Itzal." She leaned back to admire her handywork, smiling. "Gotta say, looks pretty damn cool."

She went about gathering her garbage up, disposing of them in a little container that she'd drop off at the hospital later. The gloves came off and she added them to the container, then she packed the sealed container into her bag and closed it up. "Gotta tell yah. I'm jealous. When I got my ears pierced the first time, it was by my sister, and she was doing her first test piercing on me. She used this old sewing needle for both of them, and I was hurtin' for a week after." But not as much as she'd been hurtin' after the gauges.

"M'old lover did my gauges here..." She flicked her ears to show them off. "Never get instant gauges. It hurts and bleeds like a bitch. That's when you use some sharp metal, like hell's cookie cutter, and punch straight through the skin. They look cool now, but they're almost not worth it." She smiled though, and then held up a finger to him.

"Wash with clean salt water twice daily, and at the end of the month, come see me in Thornbury. If you notice any swelling or discomfort after the first day, come see me right away, and I'll see what I can do to fix it. Don't turn it for the first day, and don't go playing or scratching at it. Don't change it until after a month, and you've come to see me. I live in southern Thornbury. It's best if you howl at the border and have someone escort you, so you're not breaking rules. Everyone in the pack knows where I live, and I'm usually home in the evenings." Blah blah blah.

"Now then. Anything else I can do for yah?"

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