[M] Till the end
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ooc Jeeze, time gets away from me. Sorry, had no muse for a couple days. wc 520

She frowned, truly concerned, as he explained his story to her. It truly was sad, to lose love, even if it was not meant to be. There was no way to soften a blow like this and Orin knew better than to give any unhelpful remarks like 'you'll find someone else'. These kinds of statements always felt so insensitive to her. Of course they would find someone else eventually, but that did not make up for the loss they felt right now. In fact, all the statement did was, in some small way, deny the person the right to their feelings in the moment. No, Orin would not say anything like this. And so for a moment she had nothing to say at all, so it is what she did that she made important. She stayed, she listened, she looked genuinely worried for him. Part of her thought she could even feel the loss emanating from his soul, and she suddenly wanted to do anything she could to make it better.

She did not realize it was happening but suddenly her heart began to hurt, too. She cast her eyes down for a moment as she shared in her alpha's pain. Perhaps if she could bare just a little of it at a time for him it could help. Her fingers played in his.

“I can't say that I know how you feel,” she started cautiously. “But I think I understand. Your heart is in pieces and it feels like it will never mend.” She laid her head on his shoulder for a minute and her eyes flicked to the apple. That was when his deep voice rumbled the invitation.

She lifted her head again and matched his gaze, smiling softly. “I would love to.” She said as she stood and followed him across the threshold of his hut. It was funny how little she felt as she moved next to him. She always felt little, because she was, but for some reason something felt different today. Like, even in his pain, Shawchert's presence comforted her. He was the leader and the protector of the pack, but their bond suddenly felt ten times as powerful as she moved through the doorway and into his hut.

She took in the interior of his home silently. She had never been here before but for some reason the house felt pleasantly comfortable. She made a small circle as she peered around, and finally her turn landed her gaze on Shawchert again. A sliver of light and shadow played in eternal contrast across his face. The Takekuro woman felt a pang in her heart, and she mistook it again for sharing in his grief. Yet something else was happening, too, Orin just did not know it. An urge overcame her then and she moved over to Shawchert. She was famous for her hugs, but this one was comparatively different. Without warning or invitation Orin wrapped her arms around Shawchert. Though she was small she poured every bit of love and comfort into the air in hopes to soothe her hurting friend.


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