Of Mice and Men (or wolves and rats)
OOC- This is set after my thread with Axelle.

J'adore bid farewell to Axelle and continued home, and he was nearly there, stopping only to the sound of frustration. A black wolf was seen through the trees speaking to something, J'adore couldn't see. 'Hello?' J'adore greeted the wolf unsurely. He crept closer, lifting his head to the rustling of the branches. He found himself staring into two beady little eyes. Squirrel! Now he understood fully, opening his bag and producing a whole rabbit. 'Here, we caught an Elk last week or so, we're fine'. He walked closer and smiled, 'It'll give you a better meal too'. J'adore looked at the small rodent on top of her head, 'Sakal' he greeted it in low-speech. The creature nodded, remaining silent. Probably apprehensive about a strange wolf. J'adore would be. He liked to give everybody a fair chance, but he wasn't stupid. For example, this encounter was friendly and neighbourly. J’adore flicked his attention to the squirrel high in the tree, ’Det em sai for tel!’ he ordered, before the animal dashed away in a grey swish. J’adore had left Axelle to her own devices, he left with a wave and set off home, not wishing to be caught in the snowstorm, but if it meant helping someone out he would stop even in thunder and lightning.

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