Reading Sensation


Lorenzo let out a squeal of delight and surprise as his cousin launched into her own version of a tickle attack. The tan and brown pup squirmed in her lap, peals of laughter erupting from his maw as he tried to wiggle away from her seeking fingers. He wiggled so much that he caused the book that she had been reading to tumble to the floor. Suddenly he stopped, his bi-colored eyes wide as he looked from the fallen tome to his cousin. Its pages were askew upon the floor. He wondered if he had broken it, and he experienced a slight moment of curiosity and panic. He had never really spent much times near books before and had never really touched one. Cautiously, he leapt from his cousin’s lap, and his paws hit the floor with a dull thud as he hit the floor heavily. He bent his neck to regard the fallen book.

He nudged the thing with his nose, his eyes wide as it shifted from his exploratory touch. With more caution, he tipped it so that it closed properly, one of its covers lying on the floor. The pages were neatly stacked one upon the other. To make certain that he had not broken it beyond repair, the Knight boy nudged it once more. Gaining confidence, he lifted one of his paws and gave it an experimental poke. Nodding his approval, he regarded his cousin. ”It’s fixed, Amata!” he said sheepishly. He lowered his muzzle to nudge it toward his cousin with his nose. He would have taken it into his jaws, but he did not think she would appreciate his teeth marks or saliva on the pages. He had learned before not to pick certain things up with his mouth, and longed for the day when he would gain his bipedal shape. He knew that he had been born a luperci, but that he would almost be an adult before he gained the ability to shift. Whenever that would be.

”I wanna imagine we live in the sky,” Lorenzo decided as he waited for an invitation back into his cousin’s lap. He had not exactly apologized to his cousin, but he had righted the wrong he had created. He was still sheepish as he regarded his cousin, waiting for a cue that she had forgiven him. Amata was always patient with him and he knew that she would not be too mad with him for too long. Besides, it had been an accident. ”You imagine with me?” he asked, eager for her approval of his plan and her participation.

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