A thorn in the paw
OOC: this computer's being a bitch. so. no table for me. Sad

The look he gave her was distasteful, and Valinta returned it. She didn't want to deal with pissed boys right now. She wanted to give him the hug he needed, then ditch him to go visit J'adore. Because she needed to talk to him.
She had come to a decision about being with him, and needed to tell him. She could right a note though. He understood Russian very well, so long as she didn't use any slang.
Valinta hissed in a breath as the pressure was applied to her palm. It hurt like hell. But the pain quickly dulled itself and was then ignored. Watching the large male with keen yellow eyes, Valinta really didn't want to answer his question, but figured she'd have to.
But he never specified language, did he?
"YA dumal, vam nuzhno obnyatʹ." she said stubbornly. In Russian. Of course Russian. Always analyze if someone would know a language you knew, and if they didn't, you spoke in only that language. Knowledge of any other languages was gone. You were a native to Russia, England, Italy, where ever.
Of course Valinta really was a native to Russia, but that didn't matter at all. No it didn't. Not at all.
Now if he could stop looking so handsome and.... well, yummy, then Valinta would be good. She'd be better than good. She wouldn't be cheating on someone she may or may not have been in a relationship with.
Valinta suffered horrible self-control, but the guilt she always felt afterwards was worse than anything that she could have done. It always was.

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