-M-When the phone rings we all wake up.

WC: 319

Itzal knew both of these smells. Better then any he had known before. He smelled Inferni, his pack. The scent they carried. It was like his own just slightly diffrent. But the other scent. The scent he loved but hated, the one that he had craved all those times, it imprinted into his soul. He smelled blood. The air was thick with it. But that was it. It was mixed with the smell of his packmate. He had followed his packmates scent, and he had gone pretty far. Until he smelled the blood. It made him stop and think. He smelled the air. And growled softly when he caught the scent of wolves.

He was in optime form. He was hidden, his fur blended him into the shadows of the trees he was near. Then he looked around, trying to pinpoint the scent. When he had it he started to move towards it, he stayed to the shadows, then when he knew he was close enough to make sure he was in hearing range. And he made sure he was well hidden. "What happened here, and what pack are you wolves of?" he called out in a light echoing voice. He would not expose himself until he was sure of who they were and if they went on the offensive. He could run fast, faster then most, but he was not sure how fast these wolves could get. And without time to change to Secui form, he might be caught in this slow form he was in.

Itzal could smell the blood ten time stronger now, and he knew that the coyote was dead. The air was so thich with the scent of blood that he knew there could not be enough blood for the coyote to survive anyways. He had to find out what was going on, then get his pack, and tell them what he had learned.

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