i lost my head
No Insurance no Treatment! yus!

The light angelic voice of singing drifted along her rather small room with a make shift medical, and drug lab room off in the back as she went about cleaning. So many pillows and blankets had been strewn around while Theo had stayed and healed, not to mention some of his blood had stained a few blankets and that ranked her nose. Next time she wouldn’t use her own warmth giving garments to help care for the sick or the stupid, but as it always was she never really said no either. Earlier that day the little women had taken a mirror and decided to decimate the hair she carried on her head. The whole task had been very difficult to do on her own, but she had managed. Her silvery hair ended in short locks behind her, just long enough for the brown tips to be shown. That was a great conquest and she had taken a victorious nap afterwards, enjoying the feeling of not having her normal long hair all over the place. Neat and tidy just like her cleaning at the moment. Demi was quite prone to a vicious cycle of sloth sprinkled in with many moments of neat freak.

She hadn’t been up to much lately, the goddess had spent much of her time napping, or going over her stockpile, labeling and re-organizing it all. Somehow she was never satisfied, reasoning that she hated not having everything she would ever need. Demi had even been forced to cut herself off from her happy fun time drugs, and multicolored stash of uppers and downers. Most of all the boredom and the feeling of loneliness had overcome her. Tripping wasn’t much fun when you had the same shit to look at, much less no one to talk to our have a little fun with. Even theo was up tight when it came to the stuff, bunch of downers the whole freaking lot of them. Normally during the winter, Ouija and she would have their games with others, keeping their insatiable urges filled to the brim with debauchery and foul deeds. Now though she felt as if she was normal, always here, pleasant and never getting into much trouble, and even she knew her time would come. She’d find a way to have her fun and when she did no one would deny her that freedom either.

Demi had just finished throwing out the stained blankets when she heard the call. For a moment she didn’t recognize the owner of the voice. Theo had been patched up already and she could only guess what trouble he could have gotten into but it didn’t sound like him at all. With a huff as she looked over her room, still very unpleased at its disarray, she grabbed a few items to take with her on her trek outside. A journey into the foul teeth of winter and into its biting grip of cold, which she cared less and less for as time went on, and of course why should she like this season, there was nothing for her to do then care for the wounded or sick and even that had a certain routine mundane boredom to it that just didn’t cure the habit, no she’d need a fix sometime soon, she could feel herself slipping away into normalcy and pretty soon she would be walking around respectful and pleasant to all beings. The thought utterly horrified her.

The little vixen rounded the grade up the entrance to the cave, satchel on her shoulder preparing for the bitter blast of cold that would greet her warm body. Her nose twitched slightly as a hint of blood came across it, carried by that terrible wind. Some poor soul needed her help and she’d have to do the respectable thing and help them she supposed. Those blue eyes finally rested upon the younger female, but higher ranking one none the less. Great no prospect of refusal now, anger this bitch and she’d never have a moments rest, well she could always kept ole Nani pants on her side, Cocaine was a hellovah drug and addicts typically would do just about anything for their fix. The thought alone made her smile just a tad at the thought of having a bit of power over her alpha. Now though Azalea was in front of her and her smile faded as quickly, least she be mistaken for delighting in this woman’s plight.

A small hand went to her good shoulder as she kneeled down to inspect the larger females wound. An interesting study, Azelea looked as if she could fold demi into little demi sandwiches with her build and yet she wasn’t scared of her. A questioning look was given to the female, wondering if she was still conscious. She’d need her to keep it together for a few more moments so she could help her down to her room where she could better treat her.

“Azalea” She spoke “I need to awake, So I can help you move” Most assuredly she couldn’t move her on her own, and even Demi would have trouble helping her even taking her by her good shoulder.

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