Somehow everything's gonna fall right into place
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If she can come into Anathema I can move this thread to Anathema's territory :] wc: 317

There really were some weird looking wolves running around these days! She hadn't been back to the territory in a few months after she had left Crimson Dreams then Phoenix Valley, but now that she was back oddly colored black and white canines seemed to be popping up out of nowhere! She had met Nayru, a female from Dahlia de Mai...and now this one shows up! Naniko continued to examine her as she lay there, her head and tail held high. It was true that the female wasn't on pack territory, exactly, but she was damn close to it. The fact that she was this close made Naniko wonder if she had perhaps been using the pack boundary as a sanctuary from loners; most loners wouldn't approach the territory without a reason, and the borders of Anathema were a relatively low-traffic area.

"Well you're damn close to it. We've had problems with canines inviting themselves in, lately, so you can see where I would be wary of you, even though you're obviously injured." She said sharply. "It's not a crime, but consider yourself lucky that one of my members didn't find you first. They have my okay to destroy any threats that they find at our borders." Heck, maybe they would have considered Axelle a threat, Who knew. She really was lucky that Naniko had been the one to come across her.

"I will show mercy today, and I believe your story Axelle. I am Naniko D'Angelo, the leader of the Anathema pack. I don't feel that you would cause us any trouble, especially in your injured state...can you walk, girl?" She questioned. If Axelle could walk, then she would take her into the cave system and take a look at her wounds. "Or you could continue to lay here while I get bandages. I remember a little bit from my past as a healer." She said.

Table by Jenny!

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