Training seasons

OOC: :/ shaw needs to pay attention more <3

marahute returned and this time she had spotted something. Her way of telling him was to stare at the direction she’d found the prey and flew. Niro followed, thanking the stars that she was actually not going as fast as she could. He moved through the forest until he heard the gobbling of turkeys, and then soon it seemed like panicked turkeys, as the whole herd of them came his way. Niro’s heart jump to his throat, never in his life did he think he would be trampled by… turkeys! He tried to get out of the way, and amist of all the disruption he didn’t know what was happening. His heart was pounding against his chest as he saw the nasty gobblers running away. Then he looked for his bird, who was now sitting on the ground… fighting with a lone turkey. The animal was pecking at the eagle keeping her from grabbing its neck and snapping it. Niro frown and ran up to the bird, as it was distracted, he was able to get the bird a good hold and snapped its neck himself.

Well we have dinner at least… I wonder what scared them off like that.

He knew turkeys were dumb, but not dumb enough to be frightened away towards their predators. He moved a little closer, and there he saw a wolf.. and was that an owl? They’d caught their own turkey. His was being dragged as he watched the male, a dumbfounded look on the wolf’s face… there was someone who knew about birds too? Marahute piped in her own voice, letting him know she was there, though he didn’t need any reminder other than her claws digging in his shoulders, reminding him that he needed to share his kill.

Hello, uh, I’m Niro…

What a strange way to meet someone. He thought as he stood waiting for the reply, if he got one. He hoped he did, this man… was like Niro, he had a bird and it seemed quite trained too.

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