a single cell on the serpent's tongue

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kahilli; This is prolly shitty cause the power blinked and I lost my original so sorry in advance; 1042 words

It had been quite some time since he had seen the dark coated goddess. Well, he had saw her briefly after they had sat together and shared the mushrooms but that only lasted long enough for her to tell him that she was living in a new place now. He remembered their talk from their first encounter quite distinctly. He remembered just what they had talked about and had always kept it in the back of his mind. He had searched for such since that time though when he had found it it had been entirely on accident. He had been scoping out the area around where the beauty said she was staying when he has ran across the cubs in the Dawn's Breath area. Of course the overprotective mother happened to be nearby since it was a hunting trip that she had taken the kits out on. It was safe to say that Ouija hadn't escaped the encounter unscathed. He had gotten his fair share of abrasions though his thick fur served to hide them well enough.

He couldn't just leave the kits alone to starve so he had brought them back to his pack with him. No one had noticed them at all. Not that the pack paid any attention to anything that he did. This place was entirely different than anything that he was used it. It just didn't have the family feel that the cult had. Everyone just seemed to be too busy with their own thing here to even notice what went on with the other members. It was something that he had gotten used to though. He was left alone to work as he would and was never bothered in the process. He had made a production facility out of the hunting lodge and so could often be found working there though no one ever came looking for him.

He had fed the kits the meat of the mother, everything except the heart, liver, and brains. The first two he had buried in the snow in order to persevere them while the third was used to work on the pelt with. He had gotten it complete as quickly as possible since he wanted to deliver it just as soon as he could. And once he had gotten it done he had wrapped up the organs on the inside of the pelt to keep them safe. He had kept them whole and intact because he figured that they made a better present that way. So with his gift in hand he made to leave the pack in order to make the trip to go and see the goddess in order to pass off what he had crafted especially for her.

Ouija made to stop by his den for his satchel so that he could carefully place the pelt into it, wanting to keep it and the organs wrapped up inside of the hide safe from the elements. It also made it easier to carry along the jerky that he had made from the meat of the things that he had killed as well. The wounds were still healing though they were difficult to see. He had been keeping them clean though he didn't know the herbs to put on them to help them heal faster since he had never taken an interest in the medic profession. But they certainly weren't the first that he had received and most likely wouldn't be the last either. He had a mark on his thigh as well as one on his hand and his arm. Those had healed because they were old and couldn't really be seen because of his coat. Well, maybe the bite mark on his hand was a bit more visible since the fur wasn't as thick. He just hoped he wasn't risking infection since he was keeping it clean on a daily basis, not allowing any sort of color near where the claw marks were on his chest. He felt fit enough and no worse for the wear. He had done the same with his other wounds and didn't feel to be suffering from any adverse effects. While he wasn't a medic he knew to keep the wounds clean in the least. Actually he didn't know a medic other than his sister and he hadn't seen her around anywhere to have her check them out.

The large male reached back into his satchel to pull out a piece of jerky in order to chew on it. He tore off a couple of pieces to feed to the kits that walked along with him. The small male was right there to eagerly take the piece of meat that he was offered but the girl had fallen behind. This caused Ouija to pause in his steps to turn around and check on her. "Come on Goddess, I have your food right here." He spoke to her and held out the piece of meat towards her. The female feline came bounding over to take the piece of meat and left alone the hole that she had been digging.

As he grew closer to the territory that the female had said she was living at he happened to catch her scent and smiled. When it became apparent that it was fresh he couldn't help but to break out into a full blown grin. And the more he walked the closer the scent got until he finally spotted her. She looked much better than when he had last sat with her. She had a healthy plumpness to her now. "As beautiful as ever." He called out as he spotted her, allowing her to know that he was in the area. "Sadly I do not have a crown to share this time though I still came bearing gifts." He continued to talk as he approached. When he had finally reached her he offered a piece of jerky before placing his satchel on the ground and kneeling with it in order to reach inside it and pull out his gift. "For you my goddess." He held out the folded pelt on flat palms, offering it up while he had remained kneeling open the ground so that he was forced to look up at her.

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