into the depths

:] SSWM: 446

Kesho tried to push aside his annoyance in favor of a better option, tolerance. It wasn't necessarily pre-set in his mind that any newcomer to the clan was unworthy, but...he did have requirements, things that he thought were necessary for joining. One was absolutely to give respect to those higher ranked or those with seniority. This...wolf-mutt did not seem to possess this ability. Or maybe he was doing it to push Kesho's buttons. Either way, it annoyed him. The old man's right ear twitched from the thought as he walked.

The Hastati remembered the vow he made to himself to be more understanding, more open. He sighed to himself, rolling his eyes away from the other man so that he would not see. He supposed it was his duty, to show newcomers around and all that. Welcome back to clan life... he thought. Remember, this is what you signed up for. Just get over it.

Though he listened to what Itzal said, he did not bother responding to it. This young, dark coy-wolf breed seemed to be too sure of himself to take any instruction from Kesho, at least yet. This was one reason he didn't like to...hang out, with younger people. They were obnoxious. Again, that compassionate part of his brain, all dusty and tired from misuse, pulled at him. Just give it a shot. So he did. It was hard, though.

"And I have none with you, but you would be smart to not underestimate your opponents, no matter how good you might be. And also to at least speak to me like I'm not a new born pup."

Kesho gave a slight growl at this statement, turning and staring through red eyes at the dark male. Was he being mocked, or did this kid just flaunt his knowledge and skills at everyone that made the mistake of listening?

"I have not treated you any differently because of your age." he muttered truthfully. Itzal's age was not what bothered him, but the associated ignorance and pretension. The man turned his head forward again, trying to ignore the itch in his mind connected to this ebony creature's words.

As he clambered through the dark rock formations, he glanced back once in a while to make sure his new companion was still there. Sure enough, each time, he was. Kesho supposed he would have to get used to this sort of thing again. Being friendly and all that. Okay, fine then.

"So..." he said, searching for anything to talk to this guy about. "Where'd you come from, Itzal?"

All around them were cave walls, only small amounts of light leaking through to give them sight of their path. Water dripped into a pool and echoed somewhere not far off, its sound bouncing eerily off of the walls. Kesho loved this place.

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