Children Seeker

700 XD!

Itzal was ok with whatever pack Niro was from. Though Inferni was not on good terms with some other packs, Itzal did not make it a personal goal to dispise others from whatever pack they were from. Itzal liked to judge people based on how they acted and treated others. So far Niro had treated him nicely, even if he was a complete stranger. He smiled to himself. Of course this did not mean he trusted Niro. No, Itzal's trust was very rare, and very few people could claim to own it. But that did not mean he was unfriendly. Even though he was usually not so out going and friendly to others. He was probably just in a better then usually mood as well.

Itzal's ears perked up at the name of the pack that Niro was coming from. He had not heard of it before. And then the part after that peaked his curiousity even more. He wondered why Niro had to go visit his kids. But he sensed this was a private matter, and Itzal would not intrude. Especially since Niro barely knew him. Itzal was understanding of others having their need of privacy. "OH, I've never heard of that pack before, and if I'm, keeping you from your kids I am sorry, Maybe I can walk with you, if you do not mind that is? Itzal then thought about his own reasons for privacy. He was lost in thought of why his own privacy mattered to him when the bird shifted.

Of course Itzal had noticed the bird before, but this was his first time truly looking at it. It was strange, he was not use to seeing Others with pets like this. Though he knew some others did have close friends. He could just not see himself getting so attached to another animal of that kind. One of his own kind maybe, but not any others. But he still admired the type of creatures they had. He looked back at Niro "Is that your pet? What kind of bird is it?" He kind of liked the way the bird looked. It seemed kind of neat. And it almost seemed like it could sense the way Niro was feeling. Itzal could understand the want to keep such an understanding and loyal bird close.

Itzal smiled at the thought of navigating the forest and laughed. "That is why I really do not try to navigate. I just head in the direction I feel like, and if I smell the scent of a pack's territory, I walk the other way. Itzal really did just that. He liked it, reminded him of when he was all alone, not that he wanted to go back to that way, and not that he wanted to relive some parts of it. It was just familar to him. He thought about how he had lived on his own. Fighting enough time to get some scars, killing enough. Learning to survive. He had had rough times, but they helped him become stronger, and for that he was grateful.

He had been pretty lost in his thoughts. Remembering the good and the bad. The times when he had been in pretty seriously jams, but had manage to wiggle his way out. It was amazing how sneaky he could be. But Niro mentioning he had meant one of Inferni's members snapped him out of his spider web of thoughts that were all muddled in his brain. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to focus. Not that he needed it, but he liked the smell of the air. "Who was it? I might know them, but I might not. I'm still new so I have not meant all the others yet." Itzal really was curious as to wether or not he knew the coyote or hybrid, chances were he did not, but he never knew. Maybe they would have a friend of some kind in common. Itzal looked up at the tree, remember how the spot looked so he could return if he wanted. He did not know if the male wuold let him tag along, but either way, he should probably get going.

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