Life is a Song
570 words. KITTY! :3

There was heavy snowfall on Wolfville that previous evening, which kept Shiloh and most of her siblings and relatives indoors. It was hard to sleep, as Shi felt the house groan under the wind, and chills encased her body so that blankets were not enough. When she finally did find sleep, she woke with almost a start, having a dream (or nightmare, more like it) of the worst kind - she dreamt her perfectly clean and white body was being submerged in a deep pool of mud. Shiloh's body shivered with more than cold as she had gotten up, and found that no one else was home.

How long had she slept? She quickly draped on her coat and shuffled across the house's wooden floors, listening for any sounds of life in the abode. Even Bris and her new daughter were out, which the Dawnbringer female thought was rare. As she felt a yawn coming out, she stretched her mouth wide to let it free, as she made her way to open the door outside. At first, she cracked it open only a sliver, checking to see if snow was still falling. Not even light snowflakes fell, a beautiful sight Shiloh liked to see, but not be in for such a long period of time. A fresh wave of snow covered the lands of Dahlia that day, and though clouds loomed overhead, the sun made the new white powder glitter, begging to be walked upon.

And the pristine female did so willingly, feeling like clean snow was just as good as her feet being protected from the dirt on the ground. Like a pair of shoes she could wear, with frost sticking to her pads, Shiloh chose to ignore it, stepping out for some fresh air. The sun kissed her form as she emerged from the doorway, blue eyes sparkling as she took in the sights of the environment around her. As she looked further to her left, however, she noticed something that stuck out like a sore thumb - a black cat.

For a moment she didn't believe it, for the only cat she ever saw were wild, or the one that Tsukiko had in her house. Ever since she met the other pristine female, Shiloh nearly looked up to her, and longed to have a cat of her own - a pet that was soft, and kept itself clean! It seemed impossible, but it very much was real. No longer caring about the cold, Shiloh made a brisk trail towards the cat, ice crunching under her feet in approach. She knew she wasn't seeing things, the cat was right there, drawing something or other in the ground. Her heart pounded with excitement, thinking the cat was looking for someone or something.

"Hello there, kitty!" She burst aloud, her breath trailing after her words as she neared the black creature. Her voice seemed unlike herself, like the pup she never really was, wanting to hug the cat close to her and feel its soft fur, imagining its lithe and graceful body curl up against her. When she got closer, at the angle the cat was in she did not notice the bright bandage on the its leg. "Are you lost, little one?" The damsel said softly, slowly lowering herself to her knees as she leaned in, attempting to wrap her hands gently around the cat and pick it up.


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