Same song, different melody
OOC; Don't take Toklo's arrogance/ disrespect personally. Haha, he's that way to everyone.

Toklo's eyes darted around, and his ears swivelled frantically, searching in vain for the location of the other wolf. Suddenly, she arose and walked towards him, poised with dominance. He snorted in disapproval. She? Dominant over him? He thought not. He stood stock-still, watching her warily, remaining in an offensive position. She walked towards him and parted her lips to speak. He simply rose an eyebrow at her question submissively. Who in their right mind would answer that? His hackles flattened momentarily as he lifted his body slightly to smell the air. She was still upwind. Thus, he couldn't get a read on the fae. Toklo took a few small, tentative steps back, unsure how to react. He had been caught on her territory. Why was she not attacking him? That was the only part he could not get. His aggression wavered and he rose from his stance. He cocked his head at her suspiciously, still ready for a surprise attack, though.

He sighed loudly and gave in. He would rather not fight now, he was probably being trailed already, this he knew. "I am Toklo, miss. Why might you ask?" He inquired, shooting a question back at her. He huffed and then added with slight irritation, "No silly nick-names though. Like, Toke, Tokky, To, TokTok, all that." He said. "Please," He added as an after-thought. Better be nice, he'd rather not be involved in a pack fight today. He was just recovering from his run-in with Phoenix-Valley. That had been a close one, and he'd learned his lesson. Kill 'em with kindness. He grinned, holding himself haughtily. Obviously, he thought very highly of himself. But, that was to be expected. It was not only his macho personality, but his fairly-earned reputation. He had won a few fights, to put it lightly. His arrogance was well-earned, if one asked him. But, he never went overboard. He knew what happened then, and he didn't want to go there. He didn't want to anger any wolves with a tough-guy attitude.

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