fading colors [M]

SSWM: 1041

The girl craved attention, and though she usually wasn't picky, lately she'd been craving male attention. He was giving her exactly what she wanted, and she didn't deny it or try to avoid it. A smirk sailed across her lips briefly as she contemplated him in a general way.

The small girl's eyes curiously and intensely watched the strange man as he spoke; she was entranced by every word as immediately as he had appeared before her. He reassured her of his compliment and she smiled, straw colored eyes fluttering downward briefly before making solid contact with his emerald ones. The tawny girl's small head tilted to the side slightly in coy flirtation, listening closely to his words. And as his mouth opened to speak again, her eyes traced his lips, wondering vaguely how they tasted.

"I've been told before to check the city for more color. Perhaps you can find something to use there. I was told to try the university and the shops in that region." he said, suggesting a visit to Halifax.

So far, she'd only been there once. And boy, had it been a fun time. That's where she'd met Strelein, the intriguing, handsome Cours des Miracles man. He hadn't given her the attention she'd desired then; but with him, she'd had her first taste of alcohol, and a very exciting adventure. Maybe she could have an adventure today, too.

With a glance up to him, she gave a slow nod agreement.

"I could imagine it being an appropriate place to find art supplies... I've only briefly explored it, though I was alone when I did." came her dreamy voice, a warm smile over her lips as her eyes contacted his once more. "Maybe next time, I'll have company..." A vague suggestion; she hardly knew this man, but he was very interesting, and she certainly wouldn't mind spending a day learning about his ways. Now her eyes flew briefly to his tattoos; she recognized them as runes, but knew not what they meant nor their origin. Maybe she would ask him, later.

"Like what you see?" he gloated, flaunting his physique.

Sage couldn't blame him; his body was in quite good condition, and though some might consider his strangely colored fur to be dirty and gross, she enjoyed it. If her fur wasn't already the color of the Earth she might have done it, as well.

"Maybe I do..." she said, her voice quiet and another pretty curve across her lips.

This guy sure knew how to keep a girl interested. He had hardly spoken to her and already she wanted to hear more.

"Thank you. I like you fur too." he retaliated her compliment with his own, and his hand reached out gently to touch her cheek.

The warmth of his fingers against her cool fur was intoxicating, and she leaned into it just barely, almost nuzzling his hand but thinking better of it. Don't be foolish, now, Sage... she thought, having to remind herself that he was a stranger. There was something so attractive about him, though, and she couldn't avoid it. The warmth of his touch spread through the rest of her face and her face melted in comfort at the sensation.

The vibrant man seated himself on the ground beside her and she shifted her body slightly closer, positioning herself so that she could have the best view of his face as he spoke.

"I will do whatever you want. Instruct me however you see fit and I will act accordingly. Whatever you want I will give to you. It will be my pleasure to serve you, to fulfill all of your desires." he said, completely honestly, but with tones that were obviously sensual.

The strangely colored man's words were surprisingly suggestive, seductive even. Is he asking me to use him as a slave? she wondered, having never encountered this before. She could not really understand the concept of slavery; it had not been mentioned in Juniper Peace and so her knowledge was limited. But still, she was intrigued. Though she didn't directly respond to these statements, neither did she forget them. The Lykoi girl would certainly remember this invitation, when the time came. At his proposition, though, her thin eyebrows slightly raised above yellow eyes which trailed his form, right down to his arm and then his hand as it slowly made its way towards her thigh. She did not shy away, but leaned her body towards him, as if welcoming the touch. The head from his hand on her skin spread once again; this time, throughout her lower body, and she fought to restrain a slight shiver. Finally, though, he spoke again, breaking her concentration on his touch, if only for a moment.

Sage realized now that she should pass the smoking joint to him, and briefly shook her mind into reality, reaching a small hand gently to give it to him.

"Ouija." he gave his name now, as he reached out for the joint. He said, "Have never really smoked myself. Found that I favor mushrooms the best." before taking a hit from the thing himself.

Ah, mushrooms. The girl had tried them maybe three times at most-- the lack of experience was due more to shortage than anything. While she was exploring drugs in Juniper Peace, a particularly cool summer had driven away many of the active species of mushrooms nearby. Her few experiences, however, had been very enjoyable, and accordingly she longed to try them again.

"Oh, I do enjoy mushrooms...Are they common around here?" she said, pausing momentarily before adding, "I mostly enjoy marijuana, though." with a smile.

After taking another long drag from the joint, the dingy man leaned over to Sage with unexpected intent. She did not stop him, and in fact knew this maneuver, enjoying the warmth of his lips against hers as she inhaled the smoke gently into her lungs, taking all of it back from him, and then exhaling it into the cool night air-- but not before properly finishing the kiss with passion. Her yellow eyes found him and she licked her lips. His breath was sweet and laced with that smokey, natural goodness she loved.

Sage watched as he laid to the ground, glancing up at the sky as he did. Then, she floated down gently, as quiet and unnoticed as those cloud he sought to his side, laying in repose in the same fashion as he, without a word. The high effected her now greatly, and she was thoroughly pleased to have someone else to share it with, besides her sisters. Especially someone so handsome and flirtatiously charming. He had already infected her.

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