Blood On The Walls

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; It is fine hun. And moose is kinda like this though without the base or the polished finish; 1166 words

If the other were to have stopped him and told him that he already knew all about the subject then Ouija would have shut up rather than filling the silence with information that wasn't really needed. Instead he had felt himself being stared at and had went into the explanation simply because he thought the other was curious. After all it wasn't the first time that Ouija had to explain himself and his habits. After all he already had strange looks cast in his direction for his colorful appearance, not that he was quite as colorful at this time of year. At least not as he had been during the spring months. Though he planned on stocking up for when winter came again. He really didn't like going without all of the brilliant colors. He had been doing it for as long as he could remember so being colorful was just a part of who he was now. To not have color had to mean that there was something wrong with him. Granted it was only blood mostly now but it was still some hint of color.

"It is." He held out the pelt for the other to feel it. "Here, feel for yourself." He smiled, trying to let the other know that it was okay and that he didn't mind. After all Ouija wasn't the selfish sort at all. Which should be noticed since he was freely giving away the meet of his kill which he had intentions of eating himself. But that was just part of how he was raised. Everything was communal and shared. Of course there were personal possessions that were used for each canine's craft but the general consensus was that things were shared among those in the cult. If one could do something that another couldn't then talents were shared. He was the one that often branded and colored the others of the cult. Just as he went to other for medical needs or more elaborate meals than dried meat. He didn't know how to do those for himself but others shared their talents freely. Just like he depended on Demi for his stash of shrooms since he had no idea how to sustain them himself.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I'm not worried about not being able to finish it. I've done this plenty of times before. And well, there are always others that can use a meal." He didn't mind giving away to the less fortunate. He did well enough for himself that he really wasn't too worried. But then again he had a pretty lax attitude where he didn't worry about too much. He mostly allowed for things to happen as they would and that was it. Life wasn't any fun if you stressed about it all of the time. You just had to learn to let go and live.

Once he finished with the skin and had cleaned it as best as he could he finally got up to go and put it into a bucket of plain water to get it started on the soaking process since it would take three days for that alone. "Really? He glanced back at the other. Well give me about a week or so and it should be ready. Normally I don't trade." He paused in the middle of his words to give a shrug. "The others in the pack seems to think that they can get food for it. Where I came from we just always shared what we had. You would just offer your services and talents to those that needed it without expecting anything in return." He wasn't used to asking for something in return for what he made. "What do you think it is worth? Or any of those?" He asked and motioned to the rest of the work area, to the other pelts in their buckets and the ones that were completed in the corner. It felt weird to him to ask for something in return for what he did. "I mean if I have to trade them then I need to know what to ask for, right?" He sounded uncertain as he spoke, it was clearly a subject that he knew nothing about. It was one that made him uncomfortable.

Once he had the pelt taken care of he came back over to sit next to Mars, remaining in the floor. Now that he had nothing to work on for the time being he finally reached for a piece of meat to chew on it. "What is it that you play?" He asked, clearly interested. He didn't have much experience with musicians. At least not outside of the percussion needed for rituals. The music and dancing that he had the greatest amount of experience with were all for rituals.

He nodded his head as he was thanked and reached over to grabs the poker so that he could shift around the coals so that they wouldn't die out. He then reached over to add a few more twigs just to ensure that it would remain lit but didn't add enough for a large fires to form. No, he only wanted the smoke to reach the meat and coat it to add in that bit of flavor to it as it dried out. "I do a bit of this and that." He said with a shrug and looked to Mars. He pointed to his ears and the runes that had been branded and colored there. "I've done these among others." He then reached for his snake skin gris gris that he always wore and lifted it up for the other male to see it without having to remove it from about his neck. "Made this as well." He dropped his protective bag to fall back against his chest again. "I don't have my satchel with me but I made that as well as the athames and the dolls that are inside of it. I have also carved thing out of wood as well. I gave Orin the key that I was working on when I met her. Hold on..." He got up suddenly and went over to the table a short distance away and picked up a small wooden moose from on top of it. It was something that he had finished not long ago.

The moose was brought over and handed over to moose. "It isn't much but it is what I have done right now. Just something that I kept busy with when I had nothing else to do and had to stay to watch the fire." There was no real purpose for it other than having to have something to work on in order to bide his time. "I should start on something else soon but not certain what to make." The male really couldn't relax and just sit still without something to work on. He had to keep his hands and mind busy instead of just sitting idly by.

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