We Are One

540 word count. Slacked off on this one.!

Itzal thought that this white wolf was very determined to talk with this mink. She was not paying attention to her suroundings much. And she seemed like she was very shy. He did not know what made him think the shy part. But he just did. He watched as the Mink moved towards her and she talked to it more. Was she actually understanding it? Is it actually understanding her? He was amazed by this exchange. How were they communicating so clearly? Is this why other canines sometimes he pets? Because they could understand what they were saying. He wondered what it would be like to talk with what he considered to be prey. He laughed at himself inside his head. He enjoyed the hunt to much to worry about that. Though he might consider it if he knew how to talk to them. However he did not know how, so he just stuck to killing and eating them. Speaking of which, he was somewhat hungry. He would have to hunt soon, but he was interested in this conversation. And this female. What were her reasons for praticing prey talk out here? He would no be satisfied until he found out. So he figured he would stick around and see what he could learn. It was not like he had anything better to do, seeing as how he could hunt at anytime.

The female still appeared to be unaware of him. Which was fine by him. She might freak out and call her pack if she found out he was watching, which he would not like. Besides, he meant her no harm, he was just interested in what she was doing out here. And so far, It looked like she was content with the illusion of being alone. He sank back into the shadows some more, making sure his goldish yellow eyes did not catch any light and reflect it. They were sometimes a dead give away. But he still loved them. His eyes were deep, like a bath of gold, and gave the illusion of a full moon look. His fur was pure black, to the point where you could barely tell him apart from the shadows if you were staring straight at him when you knew he was there. In the light he stood out more, but he had never claimed to be a creature of the day time. He smiled to himself cause he knew one of the greatest skills he had was being unseen. It was useful if you asked him.

He watched as the girl seemed to have a hard time talking to the animal. So maybe that was it. Maybe she was out here praticing. It seemed like a good theory. But the girl seemed like she knew what she was doing, so maybe this was not her first time praticing. Or maybe she was just naturally good at this laungage or skill for speaking with prey. Either way, he settlled back and watcher her closely. He would approach her when he felt the time was right. He had some question he wanted to ask her. However, for now he just had to sit back and learn as much as he could from watching.

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