I caught them barking at the moon

wc 1,064 10+

The sky was peeking through with patches of blue in the grey clouds. The grim skyline for once seemed to be letting up, if only to just give hopedashing glimpses of the blue it hid. It reminded the mind of warmer times with grass, flowers and singing birds. When prey was plentiful and finding creatures bathing in the sun, enjoying the heat and the seasons of prosperity and joy. Winter seemed to suck the very life out of the terrain. No happiness, no wamrth. Just ice and cold, grey skies and dim horizons that never seemed to lighten up, even when the soul would beg for relief. It was hard to imagine that even through the winter’s harsh days and unforgiving nights. The winter in the Valley had seemed to be endlessly better than those the Djose female had experienced in the past. Not being alone, not mourning the losses of family and friends. The struggle to survive wasn’t the first thing on her brain each day when she woke up, and still there when she went to sleep. It was almost a dream to imagine that that lifestyle was behind her after nearly two years of dealing with it. How things could change when things once seemed to be set in stone. It just goes to show that even stone can be broken by chance.

The dappled female was laying in the snow, Optime back facing the snow with thick wintercoat nearly burried in the powder she seemed to be bathing in. The girl really didn’t like the snow, but this spot int he field was such a beautiful place to lay and watch the clouds when they seporated to show signs of blue. It reminded her of when she was a pup, laying with her mother and whispering what each hole looked like. That day in that winter so long ago was just a memory. Bringing it back and laying here made her feel like she was at her side again. Though Tala had found a pack, she still felt incredibly alone. The illusion of the charcoal female that had once told her stories was so close she could swear she could reach right over there and touch her. Feel the familiar fur and smell the scent of raspberries and mint. Er mtoher had loved those two things. Tala reached to her left without thought, hand grasping the snow before she frowned. She should be here with her.... her mother had not deserved to die. Heartbroken and homeless, it had been such a poor end. If Tala could go back and make her laugh just one more time before she had passed, maybe she would not have felt so guilty. Even though she had been a pup, that feeling of regret was always there in the back of her mind when she stared deep into the memory of lavender eyes.

The woman sat up and forced her eyes away from the clouds. She knew better than to let her mind get to far into the past. When she looks to far back, she remembers things she does not want to. Feelings of being alone are resurfaced. How alone she felt, even with a pack. She had no family. Nobody to fall back on, to be held in the arms of on those worst of days. She had found herself a pack, but she had built nothing for herself. After two months, what did she have to show for it?

Tala’s eyes shut tightly as she brought a hand to her face and ran it through the short fur, trying to wipe her mind free of such thoughts. Where was the happy girl she had been raised to be. Dwelling on the past was not something she had been raised to do. It only brought about negative things. A negative life was not what her mother had been searching for, not what her father had died for. She couldn’t let herself disapoint them, even if it was just their memories she was trying to impress. A hand pressed down into the snow as she pushed herself to her feet, snow fell from her fur and the amber eyes that always seemed so bright, so chipper on the petite beauty were...momentarily broken. The shell had holes. The name Djose had nobody left but her, and if she did not give it life, then who could she call herself? Certainly not the name she so desperatly wanted to keep alive. It was all she had left of her family that was not just a memory.

It was real, and so she had to be real too. But what was real? Tala wasn’t even sure sometimes.

The feet below her began to move, her subconcious trying so hard to remove her from the situation. If she moved the thoughts would subside. Everything would be alright, just as long as the clouds filled in, and the mind locked the vault. The eyes watched the feet, hands occasionally outstretching to move branches as she entered the wooded part of the territory. As the trees got thicker the more the amber orbs seemd to realize what was going on. Reality did not take a break. The mind only ignored it. Tala let out a somewhat disapointed grunt as she let her body press against the base of a tree. Her eyes shut, her mind was trying to be cleared. It wasn;t working very well.

The ears of the female perked as she heard a subtle dragging noise. What was that? It was unfamiliar, the object in question could not be identified just by the noise it made alone. She found herself moving again, this time it was towards the noise. It took her a few moments, but she came across a strange woman wearing a hat, it was not a person she had met before. The eyes blinked and her head cocked, who was this, and what was she doing fighting with that stone pot? “Excuse me,Do you need some help?” her voice was soft and a small smile spread across her face, it was weak, her mind not completely over the trip down memory lane. “My name is Tala Djose. Pleasure to meet you.” She might as well introduce her to this unknown pack member. What was she doing lugging a pot like that over the borders anyway?

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