Birthday Wishes, Apology Kisses

WC: 208 Good choice. xDDD

As he spoke softly, her face softened from that pokerface stare to the tiniest of smiles. That smile grew into that beautiful smile, with shoulders lifted and head tilted. "Courting granted. It is your birthday, afterall." She'd have stayed all cutesy for a moment longer, but speaking of his birthday remineded her,

"You still don't have a gift from me yet!" Day one of the girlfriend diaries; forgot boyfriend's birthday, no gift. Great job, Sky. Great job. She bit her lip a bit, and then she remembered how dumbfounded he'd been when she'd kissed his nose before. ...I wonder... She blinked away her panic, then smiled slyly. "I do have one for you though."

Without hesitating one bit, she leaned forward, and decided to steal just one more kiss without permission. This time, unless he pulled away, it wasn't just a peck. ....mine. Finally. (This next bit is if he doesn't pull away...) Girl smiled into the kiss at that thought, only pulling away after a moment, and hovering there. She wasn't sure when she'd done it, but she'd started leaning against him again, hands on his collarbone this time.

"...happy birthday, Shawchert." She hesitated a moment, then looked up into his eyes, smiling naturally. "...I love you."

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