[M] - Complications of life

Word Count: 322.
Yay for fight tables xD And yup, he's being childish now -_- and slightly crazy xD

A slight sound of movement alerted Key to the presence of another, but before he had a chance to assess the situation the stranger spoke to him, commenting on Key’s no longer private monologue. It wasn’t so much that the stranger had shared his opinion on what Key had been more or less shouting aloud but more the attitude and confidence that the stranger was emitting. That’s what had pissed him off, not that that ever took much to do so.

Pressing his paws into the sand he rose and turned to face the arrogant intruder, raising his head so that he looked directly at the newcomer. It had been said that first impressions stick and this guy sure made an impression; in fact, he had reached pretty high on the ‘waste of space’ list within a matter of minutes. To temporarily distract himself from the nuisance that had shown itself Key shook his coat, small grains of sand dislodging themselves from his coat with the movement.

Once satisfied he had removed the majority of the sand his attention shifted back to the male. He was still speak so Key remained where he was, his body falling into in a neutral, relaxed posture as he continued to listen and watch the male speak or at least that was what he had planned, but then the unknown male asked who Key was and before he could stop himself he burst into laughter, lowering his head whilst shaking it slowly from side to side.

He had been mulling over the complications of socializing with others and the need for personal information others seemed to need for the last few hours and this complete strange simply came along, commented on his monologue and then asked for his name. No matter how he looked at it he saw the whole situation hysterical.

Gasping for breath, he turned his back to the stranger and began to leave.

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