into the depths

OOC 842 word count!

Well, Itzal had tried, He really did not care if the older coyote liked him or not. He was not one to rely on others approval for their own happiness. He smiled to himself. It would be just like him to piss of all the older coyotes and then just shrug it off with that smirk of a smile on his face. It made him laugh at how clearly he could picture it in his head. He was a rebel, through and through. But he did not go out looking for things to rebel against, they just found him. He was just someone who would not sit by and be quiet if he did not want to. Others had tried breaking him again and again. He did not give up or stop fighting. He thought of the one, well maybe two, times he had truly been broken. Mentally, when he was on his own, he had snapped, part of him had taken over and it had broken him, his spirit, his resolve, it had struck a blow to him that even now he was trying to recover from. It had made him fear, it made him afraid of himself. But over time he had gotten back up. He had worked on his control, and now he had control of what he feared, but he still feared it. The second time was to painful to think about, so he didn't think about it. Though he had to admit, one of his best and worst traits was his stubborn personality. Of course, that did not mean he was beyond reason. But if Kesho did not want to like him, so be it. Itzal was here to stay, he would have to get use to it. Itzal had chosen this as his pack, and he was planning on staying. He was sure with time his smart ass attitude would not be so bad. He just had to adjust to being part of a pack, and showing respect to others.

Itzal shrugged off Kesho's one word answer to his speech. He normaly did not talk to much, and if Kesho perfered silence, he was happy to not talk. But first he listened the Kesho explain about how Inferni was not much diffrent from his old pack once upon a time, and that Itzal oculd probably find a map in Halifax. "Well, I do not mind the ruthless killer part, I am one myself after all, and as for the Pureblood worshippers, I do not mind that you once were, and I do not hold it against others who still are, I was just explaining to you the nature of the pack I came from." Itzal voice was indiffrent, and he did not respond to the map part. He did not feel like talking anymore now that it was clear Kesho was not one to need it. He usually liked to think anyways. He had started to wonder if he would train with Alyssum as a warrior, since that is what he planned on becoming. He had just started to dive deeper into that thought and explore it more when he heard that strange sound. His ears moved to pick up where it came from, but he could not pin point it exactly. He smiled, maybe things will finally get interesting. He liked the cave. It was dark, and he loved the dark, he knew that if he was not so close to Kesho, and if Kesho did not know he was there, he could vanish from sight, his dark fur mixing with the almost pitch black interior of the cave. And now there were strange sounds coming from it? He like this cave very much, expecially the very dark, haunting feeling it gave off.

Kesho for once seemed enthusiastic about something. That something being the weird noise. Itzal has a smile on his face from when he had heard it. Kesho suggested, or more accuratly demanded, they find it. Itzal had no problem with that idea and set off after him. "Things are finally getting to be interesting. His voice was again indiffrent, but his lips were turned up in his smirkish smile. He wondered what had made the noise? He could not deny he was curious, and when he was curious about something, he normally would not settle until he got his answers. The way they traveled led them to a kind of path way with small alleys breaking off. Itzal was not intersted in them and was more focused on the sound. He figured whatever they found would at least be worth while. At least he hoped it would be. Or else he would be spending his time with a coyote who had no tolerance for him, and he did not very much like the coyote, though he did admire his values, he did not put up with any nonsense, and he was a very self respecting person. Itzal might not like his attitude, but he did give him credit where credit was due.

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