Border Patrol

OOC 973!

Itzal did not worry about being quiet. After all, he was the one who was looking for trespassers, he was not trespassing. And he had no doubt if he wanted to, he could be silent. In secui it was harder then usual, but he was an expert at stealth. He walked along, still listening for any trespassers. And then he heard footsteps. He listened and smirked. There was someone coming, he could tell, even though they were trying to be quiet, he was good at picking out soft sounds. Being stealthy went both ways, he was good at being quiet, and usually he was good at telling when others were trying to be quiet. He could tell the canine was coming towards him, so he stopped and waited. Who ever it was would show themselves soon enough, and if they were a trespasser, it would be stupid for them to walk right towards him if they knew he was there, if not, then they were just walking into a perfect trap. If it was someone on patrol like him, then they would have no reason to attack him. He wondered who it was? Probably someone he did not know, since he knew only a few members of the pack, and even fewer outsiders. He yawned softly, and looked at the skulls again, smiling at how someone must have come out here and taken the time to line them up. He was curious if who ever it was had done it willingly or had been assigned the job. Maybe it had been a pack effort, and they had done it together, though he doubted it. He listened to the wind blow in his ears and listened as the steps got even closer.

Itzal was only a little over a year old. But he had been through a lot and was a lot more familar with the hardships of life. He had been killing other canines since he was half a year old. And for the seven months or so that he had wandered, he had killed more and more, and he had experienced a lot of growing up in those short few months. He had praticed at his skills of stealth, of his fighting. He killed without mercy if he had to, and he did not get attached. Except for one time, and he still regretted it. He had made mistakes, and he had learned. When he meant someone, he saw both a possible enemy, and a possible friend. If friend was the right word. Since Itzal did not let himself get attached to others normally. Though he had decided to join a pack and settles down, and with that change, had hoped to become a little less wild, and a little more normal. He had also been running, running from himself. From the thing that had been born in him when he was by himself, when he had been killing. He had learned control, but even now, he sometimes was scared, scared of what part of him was. He shivered slightly at the thought of it. Then he shook his head and looked at the trees along the border again.

Then the one had heard appeared in his sight. He instantly smelled Inferni on her and knew she was a pack member. The she asked to join him and he looked her over for a minute. "Sure, I'm just patrolling a little, since I have got nothing better to do. I'm Itzal, newest member in Inferni, who are you?" He could not say no to the female, at least not without seeming rude, and it was not like he had any reason to be hostile to her. But he was not feeling very social, and he usually did not feel social. So he figures the girl could tag along and wait for him to warm up. Eventually he would, it just took him sometime. He was not a very trusting person, and he did not always see people like they were nice. He made sure to get to know their personality usualy before he felt anything more then neutral feelings for them. But he did give the girl on of his smirkish smiles. He got up and started walking again, figuring he should get on with the patrol instead of just sitting wasting time. She would follow if she still wanted to join him.

He smiled to himself when he noticed the diffrence in size between them. Him in his secui form was almost twice her size. His wolf blood made him naturally bigger then purebreed coyotes, even when they were both in Lupus form, with him in Secui and her in Lupus, it made him seem like a giant almost. He thought about shifting to make her more comfortable, but figured it would just take up time when it really was not necassary. He kept walking as he thought about the other female coyote he had meant that was part wolf like him. Alyssum. They had gotten along right away, and he defintly was not neutral to her when they first meant. He had been very chatty and smily with her. Something he was only like when he was in the mood to be. But with her, it did not matter what mood he was in, he would probably still have a smile on his face. He mentally shook himself to stop thinking about Alyssum, he was on patrol, and he had to pay attention and concentrate. Itzal noticed that he had stopped being so loud when he stepped. Barely giving off any noise when he moved. He must have started doing it without realizing, and he did not stop now. He figured he should be more catious, just incase next time it was not a pack member, but an actual trespasser.

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