Today a reader, tomorrow a leader
OOCSorry for slow reply. LOL Clearly I was distracted by out plotness.
WC 543

Gingerly, she tested a bite of the bread and cheese too. The cheese was sharp and bit back, but it wasn't entirely unpleasant. It was a new experience, that was for sue. The bread itself was slightly sour, and all around it made for an interesting snack. She giggled softly as she watched Shawchert reluctantly take a bite of his piece. “So what do you think? Is it a death sentence for Bangle? Hanging or pyre?”

Her apprehension was gone as she took another bite and then quickly downed the rest of the snack. Just one slice of each was enough to hold her over for now, so she cut a couple more slices for Shawchert and set them between them so he would know he was welcomed to have more if he liked it enough.

She moved away from Shawchert and collected the books that she had accidentally pushed onto the floor, setting them in a neat stack upon the table. As she waited for him to have his fill she gathered the supplies they would need and lined them up in front of them. Sifting through the books, she grabbed one book with a wide cover. It was one she had shown Shawchert before, some publication on the science and biology of wolves as the humans had known and studied them. “I think maybe you would like to start with this,” she told him as she set the book down in front of him. “It's not a classic or a fantasy novel or anything, but it's pretty interesting. Some of the information is actually still accurate when it comes to our Lupus forms. Gives some interesting insights to our kind before the virus, you know? We weren't nearly spread out like we are now, and races... 'species'... never mixed in the wild. If you were a tundra wolf, you were a tundra wolf, and you probably didn't even know any other kind of wolf. It was written for adolescents, so it might be a good start for you. It's not too crammed with scientific mumbo jumbo but it is captivating. And there's pictures!” She grinned as she held the book up, open to a random page of a pack of wolves walking through a stream.

She set the book back down and motioned to the paper. “Okay, but we have to start with the boring stuff. Will you write down the alphabet so I know you know it all?”

As she talked, she slipped off behind the former sales counter again and grabbed a newer looking journal and pen for herself. “Hey, I didn't mean to lure you here with ulterior motives or anything, but can I ask you a favor? I was talking to Skye a little while ago and... and well, she said that I could keep the pack's history if I wanted. So I'm going to start a journal just for Cercatori D'Arte. Maybe we can go back and forth, you write a little bit, I'll help you with anything you can't read, and then you give me your personal account of the pack's founding?” She grinned innocently and clutched the journal and pen hopefully as she slipped back over to the desk.

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