that holiest of sins

table © Sie
SoSuWriMo: 514

As the last remnants of her call echoed listlessly through the quiet forest, Alaine stilled herself, listening eagerly for a reply. She longed to be off the horse so as to rest her aching muscles, and sitting somewhere warm would surely do the trick. Drawing the ruby cloak tighter about her slender frame, the Apothecary suppressed a shiver.

She did not have to wait long. A second cry rose shortly thereafter, and for a moment, the healer forgot all of her worldly aches and felt a warm smile don her glowing maw. Was that- could it possibly be? Sensing her growing excitement, the mare began to shift her weight uneasily, one large dinner-plate hoof pawing at the frost crusted earth. To still the beast, Alaine forced herself to wait patiently, taking a firmer grip on the slouching reins. And as well she did, for a figure melted quickly from the cold landscape, her vibrant pink hair allowing no assumptions as to her identity. With a bark of joy, the collie woman was forced to tug hard at the small leather straps attached to the placid beast, so as to stop it from dancing around on the spot. The sudden appearance of another predator-type animal had made it momentarily uneasy, but with a few soothing coos from the rider, the mare resumed her doe-eyed docility.

"Orin! Oh, Orin!" She loosed a delighted peal of laughter at seeing her friend once more, and one the other woman was close enough, reached out one ivory hand to rest it on a likewise snowy hued shoulder. The merrily familiar tone of the book-obsessed beauty barraged her with questions, the stream of inquiries and statements broken by another bubbling laugh from the Apothecary. "My, it is so good to see you again, mo cara!". Intelligent eyes of shamrock green looked keenly to winsome gold. So much time had passed - They had so much to catch up on. But Alaine was aching again, and the small of her back complained bitterly from it's frozen position, bearing such weight as hers and the meager bodies of her unborn.

"I will answer your questions, yes, but first tell me: Is it a far walk from here, to your dwellingplace?" Lines beneath the healer's eyes would reveal how tiresome she was, "I've been riding for quite a while now, so if the distance is not great, I think I might rather walk!" Another spout of relieved laughter, and the creamy-pelted Fae released her hold on the other woman so that, with much awkwardness, she could swing one leg over the horses back to meet its companion. The motion moved aside her thick cloak, for the first time revealing the gentle maternal swell she prized so greatly.

With a sheepish grin, Alaine held out one hand, the other gripping tightly to the gentle beast's saddle. "I don't suppose you could help me down? I am a little... Disabled, at the moment," And because she was still self-conscious about how others viewed the obvious pregnancy, emerald eyes looked keenly to the pink haired maiden.

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