the night i opened pandora's box
Galilee Aika
Galilee Aika

Name Meaning: lit: the province. A historic region in northern Israel.

Name Origin: From the Latin Galileia

Nickname: Lee

Birthdate: August 27, 2008

Age: 2.5 years

Luperci: Luperci ortus

Heritage: 75% Canis lupus lycoan, 12.5% Canis lupus lupus, 12.5% Canis lupus chanco

Home & Rank: Loner

Physical Appearance

Height & Weight

Lupus: 60lbs, 22in tall, 5ft 2in long

Secui: 90lbs, 28in tall, 4ft 5in long

Optime 120lbs, 5ft 4in tall

Prefers Optime form.

General: Although the firstborn, Galilee is the smallest member of her litter. She is a small, petite wolf with flashing eyes and an easy smile. Many of her grandmother’s recessive traits are expressed in Galilee, and her facial features strongly resemble Mordulin’s. Galilee is an avid runner, slender as a reed and all muscle. Galilee has her mother’s thick hair, which she keeps cropped short and mane-like.

Eyes: Galilee’s physical heritage comes mostly from her mother’s side of the family. Her father, however, contributed the coloration of her eyes. Galilee’s eyes are a striking gray-blue. Her eyes are slightly larger than normal and not very carefully guarded – they often betray her thoughts.

Coloration: Galilee’s coat is pure black.

Clothing: Although Galilee prefers her Optime form, she has yet to develop a taste for clothing.

Accessories: A silver anklet, with bells, that she wears while running. Gift from her father.

Scars: Remnants of childhood bumps and bruises. Nothing significant yet.

Tattoos: N/A

Piercings: Galilee wears a line of four small silver rings in her left ear.


General: Galilee is very outgoing and impulsive. She makes decisions, speaks, and acts often without thinking first. Coupled with a natural tendency to be bossy and a driving curiosity, she often gets herself into trouble. Galilee sometimes says things without meaning them, for the sake of amusement. Underneath all of this, however, Galilee is very kind, compassionate, even generous. Wrongs are corrected and apologies quickly made.

Traits: Brash, Dominant, Generous, Kind


General Style: Ut erat massa, sagittis in scelerisque lobortis, dapibus et felis? Nam erat elit, malesuada id suscipit nec; tempus ut urna. Vivamus vitae augue at libero iaculis venenatis imperdiet vel tellus! Vestibulum aliquet purus at ante sollicitudin pulvinar.

Beliefs & Ideals

Sexuality: Aliquam vitae massa sed neque accumsan consectetur eget a tortor. Sed non sem felis, et convallis nunc. Curabitur vitae purus tellus, at interdum libero! In nibh libero, pellentesque ut porta non, bibendum eu elit.

Religion: vestibulum, aliquet, purus at ante, sollicituden, pulvinar, suspendisse, et leo et, felis imperdiet.

Prejudices: Ut imperdiet porttitor placerat! Aenean libero velit, cursus gravida sagittis et, adipiscing vitae lectus.

General Beliefs: Nullam aliquet eleifend sem vel pretium. Integer posuere fermentum vestibulum? Proin vestibulum molestie turpis eget lacinia? Aenean scelerisque dolor non nisl volutpat at viverra ante imperdiet.

Lifestyle & Behavior

Residence: Aliquam vitae massa sed neque accumsan consectetur eget a tortor. Sed non sem felis, et convallis nunc. Curabitur vitae purus tellus, at interdum libero! In nibh libero, pellentesque ut porta non, bibendum eu elit.

Favorite Haunts: vestibulum, aliquet, purus at ante, sollicituden, pulvinar, suspendisse, et leo et, felis imperdiet.

Hobbies: Ut imperdiet porttitor placerat! Aenean libero velit, cursus gravida sagittis et, adipiscing vitae lectus.

Habits: Nullam aliquet eleifend sem vel pretium. Integer posuere fermentum vestibulum? Proin vestibulum molestie turpis eget lacinia? Aenean scelerisque dolor non nisl volutpat at viverra ante imperdiet.

Substances: Galilee has no experience with drugs, alcohol, or smoking.


Skills: Aliquam vitae massa sed neque accumsan consectetur eget a tortor. Sed non sem felis, et convallis nunc. Curabitur vitae purus tellus, at interdum libero! In nibh libero, pellentesque ut porta non, bibendum eu elit.

Strengths: vestibulum, aliquet, purus at ante, sollicituden, pulvinar, suspendisse, et leo et, felis imperdiet.

Weaknesses: Ut imperdiet porttitor placerat! Aenean libero velit, cursus gravida sagittis et, adipiscing vitae lectus.



Maternal Grandmother: Mordulin Aika

Maternal Grandfather: Aloran

Maternal Aunts: Sayna Aika, Niamh Aika

Maternal Uncles: Adan Aika, Bran Aika

Mother: Fiacha Aika

Paternal Grandmother: --

Paternal Grandfather: --

Paternal Aunts: --

Paternal Uncles: --

Father: Ulysses

Same Generation:

Siblings: Gilead (m), Rhodes (m), Myra (f), Abilene (f) (WE ARE ADOPTABLE! PM for me for more info!)

Half-Siblings: N/A

Cousins: Ariadne (Adan); Multiple (Bran)


Children: --

Grandchildren: --

Nieces: --

Nephews: --


Past Packs & Ranks:

Pack Name

Rank: Ut imperdiet porttitor placerat! Aenean libero velit, cursus gravida sagittis et, adipiscing vitae lectus.

Rank: Ut imperdiet porttitor placerat! Aenean libero velit, cursus gravida sagittis et, adipiscing vitae lectus.


Name: Ut imperdiet porttitor placerat! Aenean libero velit, cursus gravida sagittis et, adipiscing vitae lectus.

Name: Ut imperdiet porttitor placerat! Aenean libero velit, cursus gravida sagittis et, adipiscing vitae lectus.

General: Phasellus feugiat, tortor sed consectetur eleifend, nunc orci ultricies mauris, sit amet commodo magna neque nec enim. Phasellus vehicula leo sit amet elit accumsan vel scelerisque ante lacinia. Etiam ultrices rhoncus pulvinar! Nunc aliquet mauris non tellus egestas ultricies. Nunc ligula justo, posuere vel pulvinar sit amet, posuere eget velit. Phasellus sodales varius consequat. Nunc vel velit in odio consectetur rutrum id eget nulla. Nam sit amet elementum est? Donec consequat, eros eget tincidunt gravida, risus elit ultricies erat, quis volutpat est neque a risus. Quisque tincidunt, tortor et placerat cursus; leo justo suscipit nunc, ac feugiat ligula quam at sem. Maecenas aliquet ornare nisl sed ullamcorper. Aenean nunc urna, hendrerit quis adipiscing vehicula, sagittis eget velit. Aenean ut tincidunt velit. Donec adipiscing rutrum pulvinar. Vivamus at ligula quis nunc facilisis cursus non sed neque. Nunc enim justo, accumsan pellentesque rhoncus vel, fermentum vitae felis.

Character sheet by Sie
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