-M-When the phone rings we all wake up.

OOC 1066!

Itzal was tired of trying to get stuff out of Pontiac. She obvious would not give anything to him, and if she was set in her mind, Itzal knew he would probably not change it. So he was happy to just talk with her. He had nothing better to do and figured what the hell, he might as well have a nice conversation. He sighed and shook his head. He would need to hunt soon. Food was scarce in the winter, but Itzal never had a problem with tracking and finding food. He was a good hunter, and he would have no problem getting food when he wanted it. Maybe after he was done talking to Pontiac he would go out for a hunt. Or maybe if they were still enough, a rabbit or something wuold get curious and wonder close. He figured he could probably kill it. He would need his knife though. So he sighed. He would get up and go get it when he was ready. Instead he smiled at her again, not his cruel smile but his warm one with a hint of cockyness. His eyes lighted some and gave him a look that was one of knowingness, like he was in on a private joke. If he wanted to he could make it very flirtaous, but that was only if he wanted to. He was still on guard though, he never let down a guarded mind, no matter how relaxed he might seem, he was always ready for an attack, or a surprised, so he could take it in stride and not give anything away. Then he let out a heartfelt laugh at her "maybe so..maybe not" comment. "Haha, maybe so and maybe not? Whatever you say, but if I had to guess I would go with not, no offence of anything." He gave her a understanding smile, he was not argueing with her, they both knew the truth, he was just playing a long. Like she said before, she was playing a game, and so was he. But for a bit they had a break, and he wanted to take advantadge of it. Cause lord knew he was good at playing, but he needed his breaks sometimes. Especially when he was being distracted with the smell of blood in the air.

Itzal chuckles himself at her thanks and warning that if he kept saying things like that, he would be stuck with her possibly. He smiled at her. " You sticking around all night might not be a bad thing. I've got nothing else to do, and this is the most interesting conversations I have had in a while. Of course, I am sure you have things to get back to. " He watched as she too looked up at the sky. He was glad she agreed with him. She could understand true beauty if she saw it he thought. She seemed like an understanding person, one with good values and morals. It made him laugh to himself. He could never call himself a good person, or say he had good morals, but he tried to do what he thought was right most of the time, or whatever pleased him more, it depended on what mood he was in. But other wise, he could be a pretty ok person. He smiled at her "You seem like a very good person. He did not know why he felt like he should mention it, maybe he just thought she probably did not hear it much, or maybe he just thought she deserved to know. "A much better person then I ever was, will be, or am." He did not say it with any sadness, or remorse, he said it indiffrently. It was a fact in his mind, there was no reason to feel any emotion over it, it was just the way things were.

He listened to her story, and smiled at her, she defintly had her share of hardships he could guess, and he admired how much of a connection her and her sister had, and how she valued family. "Your sister is very lucky to have you looking out for her. Family is important, take it from me, do not let them go, no matter what, cause when they aren't there anymore...it is something unimaginable. " He spoke the words truly from his heart and his own experiences. He had lost all of his family, he was his only surviving member of his truly family. His thoughts went to his uncle, but Itzal did not consider him family. No, his uncle was not family, he was an enemy through and through. Itzal sighed to himself and then listened to her hobbies. "Hmmm, all of those hobbies seem interesting. But what did you mean by pups? and What did you mean by when and if you have them? A pretty girl like you should have no problems finding someone to love and have pups with. And as for the cooking and reading, I can do basic cooking, and I can not read at all almost. It takes me hours to puzzle thourgh one or two pages. And your lifes is very interesting, and it seems exciting, honestly." His voice was pure, and held no sarcasm, he did indeed find her hobbies and story intersting. She in her own way had grown and lived that life of hers, and should never be ashamed of it. "Never be ashamed of your life story and who you are." He could not honestly say he followed his own words, cause he was ashamed about some of his life, and he was ashamed of part of who he was. But he gave the girl another warm smile and then stood up and walked back to the tree he had been out. He grabbed the hilt of the knife and pulled it out in a smooth motions and put it back in his pouch, then walked back to where he had been sitting and sat back down. Are you hungry? If anything was stupid enough to wander into his line of sight, he could kill it with one smooth throw of his knife. And hopefully it would be enough for both of them, but if not, he would give it to her. He might be a ruthless killer in part, but he was also a gentleman at heart.

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