Let me take a look at you now
wc : 784

There was times where Tala was envious of puppies.Being able to just have fun, not worry about consequences of life and having to make mature, respectabe decisions. Tala had been cut short of her puppihood when she and her mother had run away from her pack shortly following her fathers murder. She had left being a puppy behind that night. Being forced to look after yourself for the most part at a young age matures a person very quickly. To be able to run around, play and roughhouse was something Tala sometimes found herself doing with younger people. It was a habit she found embarassing. But why be embarassed of having a little fun? There’s nothing wrong with fun. No matter the age of the person you’re having said fun with. Tala had a soft spot for fireflies. When she saw them in the summer, the puppy in her was released. She found the creatures fascinating. Catching them was always such a joy to the woman.

Hearing Gideon take off after her when she took off into her fit of a run she smiled to herself. The last time she had run anywhere with someone else…. It was far to long ago it seemed. He complimented her and she smiled softly. The boy was nice, or not nicer than she was. For such a young man, he was so kind and respectful. He had been taught well it seems. “You should meet our leader, Jefferson. He’s more of a character than some can handle, mind you I mean that in a good way.” Her words were laughter. The grouch was a good man, a great leader. But he had the attitude of an old badger. Snow was pushed behind her as her paws gripped at the cold substance. A good teacher? Well, with two pups under his wing he better be. “Then you’ll teach me to fish in no time.” It was almost as if she was making an unvoiced bet, that he would do it quickly or be shamed by his lies.

Tala was not watching the ground as she ran, her mind was set on direction. Mirror lakes was not far, but there were many small hills and dips on the way from this direction. His words made her mind falter and she watched ahead of her. It was hard to see, amber eyes nearly missing it completely. Brambles, hidden by snow but not dulled by it. Her body halted to a near stop as she looked at the plants. “Thank you. I would have missed them.” Her words were ones of thanks, her tone grateful as she looked at the range of where the plants had rotted themselves. It was a large patch it seemed. Tala took to her left, eyes atching the brambles ahead of her, watching for a break in their hidden maze. Tala was walkin slowly, the area was quickly turning into a shallow dip. The snow was not hard to grip, her paws held her well. “I think they end just right here, we should be fine if-“ Her own words were cut short as she felt her front legs slip out from under her. Snow was masking ice, sheer blankets of it glued to the hill like cement. No words, just an audible muffled grunt as she felt herself move. Her paws could not grip the ice, her hind legs felt alien to her as she faught the works of gravity and physics. It was no use however. She slid, no hope to latch onto anything but snow and more ice.

The Djose girl did not fall far, she was met with ppadding of prickles and spines. The displacing of snow moved vines, clinging to her like leeches. Tala yeled as she tried to find footing. Ice slipping from below her as her body made desperate moves to remove herself from the grasp of the vile plant. The fight was short, but it was not painless. By the time Tala had managed to get even a grip, there were vines around her legs and stuck to her fur. Amber eyes held pain as she collapsed onto snow. There were several vines encasing her legs, scratches on her stomach and jaw were small but not invisible. She was able to shake three legs free. Though the fourth, her left hind leg was snared. Blood was seeping onto the plant and staining her white leg fur. Tala did not look at Gideon, shame written all over her face. She looked like a fool. A fool with a leg that was throbbing. Blood dripepd to snow, crimson staining what used to be white.

She would never live this down.



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