alls ive got is a name
Short and quick. :O

The other repeated the word she had spoken, as if it were foreign, and she frowned. But her reaction, however, spoke many more words that were actually in the air. She obviously knew what it meant and obviously looked like she needed it. Her weight turned and she began to pick herself up. When she spoke, however, about having no family, her frown expanded and she sighed. "Come with me?" she asked, and reached forward and her thin fingers slipped around the puppy's form (with permission) and picked the child up. She was growing, but it looked almost stunted because of her lack nourishment and lack of attention and additional stress. Maria held the girl close and stroked the side of her head soothingly. She carefully turned her weight and made her way to the home and found the pieces of meat they all had brought down earlier in the day. "Sit here," she said, and sitting the girl down on a piece of furniture left over from humans of long gone. With some utensils and her own claws, Maria pulled meat away and and softened it up for the puppy to eat, before turning around and offering it to her. "You want stay here? With me? Can care for you," she said, her English a bit choppy, but nonetheless with meaning.

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