Fireflies in the sky

Thanks for letting me know that, btw, I didn't know before, and am definitely gunna have to go back and change my numbers a bit. @_@ SSWM: 502

”Nice to meet you, Sage. Or do you go by Sage River? I only have two names, myself, so I don’t know the protocol on it. Are there plentiful prey creatures around here?” Gideon inquired politely.

Returning his friendly manner, Sage gave a warm smile and inched closer to him, if not for anything else than to share his body heat. It was a chilly night, and she realized with despair that she'd left her comfortable, fuzzy blanket at home which normally would have kept her quite warm. The Lykoi girl's tawny mouth formed into a small frown before she turned her attentions back to this handsome dark stranger named Gideon.

"You can call me whatever you like," she said, playfully allowing her eyelids to drape carelessly halfway over her yellow eyes. "I've never been here before, truthfully, but my nose tells me there are at least several nice small meals nearby." her dreamy tones hung between them gently, and she brought the joint to her lips again; it was nearly half gone now.

”I don’t know." came Gideon's response to Sage's comment about Dahlia.

Perhaps he didn't know about the war? Well, that was a welcome change. It surprised the young girl, though, that his own pack would not tell him of such recent violent history between Inferni. She was glad for the break, truth be told; Inferni's reputation was bad enough as it was, without adding all the war drama into the mix. So, she remained silent at his response, feeling it unnecessary to describe to him what she had seen, the dangers that had been so prominent in the recent past.

Sage noticed the boy's glance to her hand as she placed it upon his shoulder; it was clear to her that female attention had not been incredibly common in his life so far. The girl grinned; she could not help but enjoy flaunting her beauty and ability. The attention she received was all too tempting. Her slender, gentle form sidled up next to Gideon, nearly touching him now, his warmth seeping through her grateful body. She held the joint in the hand that was farthest from him in polite gesture, as he opened his mouth to inquire about it.

”What’s that, Sage? Is it..on fire?” Gideon questioned, clearly regarding the joint between her fingers.

"Oh, this?" she said, holding it up in front of his face with small, nimble fingers. "Yes, it is on fire. It's a cigarette made out of marijuana." her serene voice carried gently and she smiled, offering it to him, her yellow eyes meeting his intense green ones. "Would you like to try it? It's very good." she added as it smoldered and smoked between them, inviting and friendly.

The young Lykoi girl would always offer to share if the other party seemed interested enough; she could not help but want to spread the joy. It was her favorite drug, after all, and in truth there wasn't a whole lot about it that was bad. It was a painkiller and mood enhancer, among many other things. To Sage, it was something that everyone should at least try once. What wasn't to like, after all?

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