Border Patrol

No need to apologize, that is not short at all. I'm only writing so much cause I'm trying to finish SSWM on time. 1143 word count. And do not feel like you have to match me.

Itzal looked back at the coyote, wondering where she was from. Her coloring was odd, but then again, canines around these parts came in very many colors. She had black in various parts of her body. And she had one strange strip of it going down her back. It was odd in comparison to her reddish brown color. Itzal could not put a name to what it was. But it defintly contradicted with the black. And her eyes were some what similar to his own. Though his were a goldish yellow, and hers appeared to be a few shades brighter then crimson. A nice color, though it seemed like an uncommon one. He looked for signs of other breeds. He could not make out any noticable signs that she was anything but coyote, but he thought she smell faintly of wolf blood, but maybe he was wrong, either way, she was defintly small for even a coyote. He looked her over again, noting that she was not very muscled, but more lean, a good shape for speed and stealth, not brute strength. He smiled at himself at that. He himself was built for both. He was muscled, but also fast and nimble, very good at fighting and stealth. But while he was smart in a fighting and strategic stand point, he education after that fell short. He could not ready very good at all, and writing was alien to him as well. He wuold defintly stick to fighting and sneaky any day over the life of scholars and historians. But he had no problem with that life, it just held little interest for him and he lacked the skills for it. Though he had to admit, in some situations, those could be valuable skills to have. But his own skills could be valuable at times as well. Part of him laughed at the thought of having the skill of reading and writing over the skill of fighting and killing, but he ignored it, it was only a part of him, it was not who he really was.

He had to admit, once he got to the conclusion she would be better for stealth, she was not bad at it. Itzal had learned stealth from his father, or at least the basics. He turned out to be a natural at it. And in the seven months he had been on his own, he had become an expert at it, as well as fighting and killing. He was good with a knife, and only a knife. It was all he needed, or ever used. And he had to give her credit, she had potential to become a great scout, or a master at stealth. Itzal figured with some training, he could get better, though there were very few who were good enough to find him if he wanted to stay hidden, and very few who could teach him more then he already knew. But he was far from perfect, and could use some improvement. He gave the girl an approving look. Maybe if she ever wanted some help, he could teach her some things. He himself had an advantage on his side. His coat being black allowed him to blend in to shadows and at night time he was almost invisible. But there were still some things he knew that he could pass on. He mentally shrugged. If she wanted some help, she could ask, if not, he would not offer unless they become close friends. A very unlikely happening, since Itzal had almost no close friends. And he not about to let people into his inner circle of trust as easily as that. His inner circle of trust was very small. consisting of himself, and that monster part of himself. It might be strange to trust that part of himself, but it was still somewhat him, so he put trust in it. He just did not put control in its hands. He thought about it for a second and consider that Alyssum might be in his inner circle of trust, maybe after they got to know each other better. Or maybe she was already in it and he just did not realize it.

Itzal chuckled and gave his smirkish smile at her. He could not help but find the way she had corrected him funny. She merely stated she was the newest member as if he had said a name wrong, and she was giving the correct pronouncation. He liked the way she said that. He smiled a little more then it faded as he looked away. Maybe he would learn to like this coyote. Her attitude seemed ok. And even though, if she was the newest member, he was a higher rank then her, being a hunter as he was, though he was hoping for a warrior postion if he could, but even being a higher rank then her, he did not demand respect. He believed that people should treat him how they want, and in turn he would treat them like he wanted. He was not being on being respectful to his superiors, and did not care about it. He was naturally dominant, even if he was in a low rank, dominances was in his blood, he was related to an alpha, though a bad one, his father had been a beta, though one who was turned on. So Itzal was technical in line to be alpha, since his uncle has been mateless and childless, if things had been diffrent, he would probably have been taken under by his uncle and raised as alpha. He thought about how diffrent he would be if that had happened. He frowned slightly at the thought. He was happy with where he was and he hated his uncles guts, he was a cruel man, and even the thought that Itzal may have grown to be like him was an unpleasant one.

"Hi valkyrie, and welcome to the clan then." He smiled again to himself. He admired it when others had confidence and were loyal and smart. He valued traits in people more then their appearance or heritage. To him, the only thing that mattered were your actions and your personality. Not who you are and what you own. It was just the way he saw things. Everyone was equal in his eyes unless they had some bad attitude or something. And even then, it was their choice to act that way. Just as it was his choice to treat them like the bitches they were being. He chuckles to himself. He was such a pleasant person. He chuckled again as he could hear the own sarcasm in his thoughts. "So what brings you out here? Are you patroling for fun, or were you assigned to?" He was wondering what had made the coyote wander out here.

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